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Robin Coste Lewis: “Voyage of the Sable Venus: Bodies, Art, Race, & Poetry”

Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United States

Robin Coste Lewis is the author of Voyage of the Sable Venus (2015), which won the National Book Award for Poetry. Her work has appeared in various journals and anthologies, including The Massachusetts Review, Callaloo, The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, Transition, and VIDA. The Center for Cultural Studies hosts a weekly Wednesday colloquium featuring work by faculty and visitors. The sessions […]

Saein Park: “Dancing Waste of History: Lumpen in Heine, Marx, & Benjamin”

Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United States

Saein Park’s current project argues that the discourses of Lumpen record the changing demarcations of disposable lives during the emergence of European industrial modernity. She researches 19th- and early-20th-century German-language literature, political philosophy, and critical theory, focusing on translation and reception studies, theories of waste, and plant studies. Saein Park is a Visiting Assistant Professor […]

Jennifer Doyle: “Harassment & the Unravelling of the Queer Commons”

Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United States

This talk will attempt to speak to the difficulty of this moment for queer/feminist theorists—for teachers, students and staff who live and work with harassment, with forms of misogyny that are so embedded in professional life as, in some ways, to feel synonymous with it. This work is a return to a scene many of […]

Kyla Schuller: “The Biopolitics of Feeling: Race, Sex, & Science in the Nineteenth Century”

Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United States

Kyla Schuller is an Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University, New Brunswick and an External Faculty Fellow at the Stanford Humanities Center (2017-2018). She has previously held fellowships from ACLS and the UC Humanities Research Institute and a visiting scholar position at UC Berkeley. Schuller investigates the intersections between race, gender, sexuality, […]

Yiannis Papadakis: “Here/There: Immigrants, Comparison & Critique”

Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United States

Yiannis Papadakis holds an appointment in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Cyprus, and is a visiting scholar at UCSC. Papadakis’s published work on Cyprus has focused on ethnic conflict, borders, nationalism, memory, museums, historiography, history education and cinema. His recent work explores issues of migration and social democracy in Denmark, […]

Mayanthi Fernando: “SuperNatureCulture: Human/Nonhuman Entanglements Beyond the Secular”

Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United States

Mayanthi Fernando works on Islam, secularism, and the politics of difference in the North Atlantic. Her current project tracks the secular genealogies of the recent posthumanist turn. Reading this scholarship alongside other traditions of nonhuman ontologies, including Islamic sciences of the unseen, she asks whether we might rethink “natureculture” as “supernatureculture.” Mayanthi Fernando is an associate […]

Amanda Smith: “Cartographic Delusion: When Maps Lie & People Believe Them”

Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United States

Amanda M. Smith approaches literary expression as a point of entry into spatialities effaced from other official records. She proposes a reading practice of rigorous intertextuality to recover geographic textures smoothed by homogenizing processes of spatial integration. In this talk, she addresses the stakes of such a spatial reading by exploring the legacy of misreading […]

Roddey Reid: “Confronting Political Intimidation and Public Bullying: Affect and Activism in the Trump Era and Beyond”

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Roddey Reid is Professor Emeritus of French Studies and Cultural Studies at the University of California, San Diego. Reid is the author three books including most recently of Confronting Political Intimidation and Public Bullying: A Citizen’s Guide for the Trump Era and Beyond; of Families in Jeopardy: Regulating the Social Body in France, 1750-1910; co-editor with Sharon Traweek […]

Jenny Reardon, “The Postgenomic Condition: Meaning and Justice After the Genome”

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Event Photos: Jenny Reardon’s research draws into focus questions about identity, justice and democracy that are often silently embedded in scientific ideas and practices, particularly in modern genomic research. Her training spans molecular biology, the history of biology, science studies, feminist and critical race studies, and the sociology of science, technology and medicine. Dr. Reardon […]

On Barak, “Against Energy: Provincializing Thermodynamics between Aden and Port Said”

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Event Photos: Despite feigning perpetuity, "energy" is a child of its time, the nineteenth century. Born from the related challenges of steam engineering and British imperialism its legacies still haunt […]