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Rachel Deblinger: "Making Memories/Motifs: Holocaust Memory & the Unexpected Inspiration of Digital Humanities"

October 22, 2014 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm  |  McHenry Library UCSC, Room 4286


Please join the Digital Humanities Research Cluster and the University Library for a series of interactive lectures focused on “Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage.” This inaugural speaker series will highlight digital projects from across the humanities and enable lively discussion about the role of the digital in preserving, building, and making accessible cultural materials from around the world.

No digital skills required. Contact for more information.


Dr. Rachel Deblinger is the Digital Humanities Specialist at UCSC, working with the University Library and Humanities Division to foster digital scholarship across campus as a CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow. Rachel received her Ph.D. in history from UCLA, where she developed Memories/Motifs, an online exhibit that showcases the diversity of Holocaust survivor narratives in the immediate postwar period. The exhibit features three Holocaust survivors and traces the transformation of their stories through print, audio, and visual media. For this talk, Memories/Motifs serves as a case study for exploring the possibilities of knowledge making through online tools and the ethical concerns around making personal artifacts and memories publicly accessible.


Next in the series:
Michael Ashley: “Mukurtu CMS: Differential access for the ethical stewardship of cultural and digital heritage”
November 12, 5-7, McHenry Library 4286
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Rachel Deblinger 10.22.14

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October 22, 2014
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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