Native Speaker Series with Patty Krawec
Namaste Lounge - College 9 Namaste Lounge, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesYou are invited to join the American Indian Resource Center's Native Speaker Series with Patty Krawec (Anishinaabe/Ukrainian), on April 11th, 2024, to be held at the Namaste Lounge located at College 9 and JRL at 5:00 PM-7:00 PM. Guest author, Patty Krawec will share with us her most recent book titled: Becoming Kin: An Indigenous […]
Juned Shaikh – The Afterlife of Confiscation: Engels’ The Origin of the Family in 1930s and 40s India
Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United StatesGangadhar Adhikari returned to India from Germany in the 1920s with a tranche of books. He had recently completed his PhD in Chemistry in Berlin and had joined the Communist Party of Germany. Upon his return to India in 1928, he joined the Communist Party of India and was jailed in 1929 on charges of […]
THI Coffee Hour
Humanities 1, Room 515 1156 High St, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesThe Humanities Institute is excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, and friends for a weekly Coffee Hour on Wednesdays, 11am to noon. We invite you to visit our team, meet our new Faculty Director, Pranav Anand, and talk with us about your academic interests as well as upcoming THI events and programs. Learn about how […]
What Can Genomics Teach Us About Jewish History with Dr. Shamam Waldman
Cowell Ranch Hay Barn Ranch View Rd, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesThis year's Helen Diller Distinguished Lecture in Jewish Studies will be given by Dr. Shamam Waldman. Join us on April 9th at Cowell Ranch Hay Barn for Dr. Waldman’s lecture titled: “What Can Genomics Teach Us About Jewish History?” Doors will open at 5:30PM. The talk will begin promptly at 6:00PM. The study of population […]
Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Palestine
Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United StatesUCSC Feminist Studies and Faculty for Justice in Palestine present Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Palestine with panelists: Lila Adib Sharif (Arizona State University), Jennifer Lynn Kelly (UC Santa Cruz), and Somdeep Sen (Roskilde University); the editorial collective of Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Palestine. Join us for this panel discussion with excerpts from Detours: […]
Humanities in the Age of AI Lunch meeting
Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United StatesThe Humanities Institute Research cluster, “Humanities in the Age of AI,” is pleased to invite you to their lunch meeting scheduled for Monday, April 8th at 12pm in HUM 210. This month's meeting will feature guest speakers Theresa Hice-Fromille (Ohio State University) and Sarah Papazoglakis (Lit PhD, '18) on Afrofuturism for Tech: Creative Approaches to […]
The Deppe Memorial Lecture with Professor Emily Gowers
Cowell Provost House Cowell Provost House, Cowell Service Rd University of California Santa Cruz, Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesThe UCSC Classical Studies Program presents The Carl Mark Deppe Memorial Lecture, taking place this Friday, April 5 at the Cowell Provost house at 4:00pm (reception to follow). This year, Professor Emily Gowers (University of Cambridge) will be giving a talk titled "Sallust's Salient Snails." The lecture will focus on a brief episode in Sallust's […]
CANCELLED – Linguistics Colloquia: Karlos Arregi
Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruz, CA, United StatesThe Department of Linguistics is pleased to present: Karlos Arregi University of Chicago speaking on The relation between head movement and periphrasis Abstract In joint work with Asia Pietraszko, I've been investigating the relation between head movement and the synthesis-periphrasis distinction in the verbal domain. We use the term "synthesis" to refer to verbal expressions […]
Project Paradiso: A Gateway to Dante’s Heaven – Episode Twelve – Flower of Humanity: The Vergin Mary in Paradiso
Virtual EventDante’s Paradiso is the least studied and the least understood of the three parts of the Commedia. Yet it is arguably the most important for the dynamism and originality of the literary, theological, and philosophical inquiries that take place there. It is also a singularly important interpretive guide for a full understanding of the entire […]
Gail Hershatter: Notes from the Life of a Peripatetic Revolutionary
Music Center Recital Hall - UCSC 402 McHenry Road, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesThe Emeriti Association presents their annual Emeriti Faculty Lecture with Gail Hershatter who will give her lecture, "Notes from the Life of a Peripatetic Revolutionary." The event will take place in UCSC's Music Recital Hall at 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Notes from the Life of a Peripatetic Revolutionary with Gail Hershatter Xu […]