Call for Applications: IHR Research Clusters 2012-13


DEADLINE: May 25, 2012

OBJECTIVE: This program is designed to encourage and support research in any area of the Humanities. In addition to programming (e.g., conferences, workshops, seminars, visiting scholars), we encourage the clusters to view this as seed funding and to think about ways the cluster can serve as an incubator for larger projects in the future (e.g., edited volumes, the establishment of research centers, NEH Summer Seminars, UC multi-campus research groups etc.) and how they can leverage cluster funds to secure extramural funding.


AMOUNT: Up to $5,000 per cluster.

ELIGIBILITY: Groups of faculty from any UCSC Division may apply, as long as some Humanities faculty are involved. Graduate student involvement in the cluster is required.

DURATION: Funding is awarded on a year-by-year basis, contingent on the availability of funds. Any unspent money on June 30, 2013 will be returned to the IHR. All clusters will have to reapply for funding for 2013-14.

REPORTING REQUIREMENT: The IHR will expect a final 1-page report on July 1, 2013 (or May 1, 2013 if the cluster is reapplying for funds for the following year). This report will detail a) the activities of the cluster, b) how the activities enhanced the work of the faculty and graduate students involved and c) whether the cluster faculty applied for extramural funds (if yes, where; if no, why not).

1. Cover sheet containing a) name(s) of faculty principal investigator(s), b) title of research cluster, c) amount requested, e) amount of matching funds, if any.
2. Narrative of no more than 3 pages describing a) the purpose of the cluster, b) the names and affiliations of faculty and graduate students whom you anticipate will be involved and c) projected activities of the cluster.
3. Budget.
4. For ongoing clusters, a 1-page report about 2011-12 activities (see reporting requirement above for details).

Applications must be submitted electronically (in .pdf format) to

STAFFING: Staff support to the cluster will be included as an in-kind award from the IHR. Staff support includes event planning, program management, as well as assistance with research and development.

Any questions about the program or the process can be addressed to Nathaniel Deutsch ( or Irena Polic (

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