UC Multicampus Research Groups in the Humanities, 2012-2013

On behalf of the  UC Humanities Network,the  UC Humanities Research Institute is pleased to announce the 2012-13 Multicampus Research Groups in the Humanities:

New MRGs, 2012-2014:

“Re-envisioning the Human: Human Rights and Humanitarianism across the Humanities and Social Sciences – THE UC HUMAN RIGHTS COLLABORATION”
Keith Watenpaugh, Religious Stds./Human Rights Initiative, UC Davis
Alison Brysk, Global and International Studies, UC Santa Barbara

Julia Lupton, English and Comparative Literature, UC Irvine
James Kearney, English, UC Santa Barbara

“Keys to Voice Studies: Terminology, Methodology, and Questions Across Disciplines”
Nina Sun Eidsheim, Musicology, UCLA
Annette Schlichter, English and Comparative Literature, UC Irvine

Renewed MRGs, 2012-2013:

“Consortium on California Architecture and Design”
Christina Cogdell, Design, UC Davis

“The Material Cultures of Knowledge 1500-1830”
Adriana Craciun, English, UC Riverside

“California Italian Studies”
Jon Snyder, French and Italian, UC Santa Barbara

“UC Latino Cultures Network”
Kirsten Silva Gruesz, Literature, UC Santa Cruz
Marissa K. López, English, UCLA

Congratulations all, we look forward to working with you next year!

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