UC California Studies Consortium Graduate Research Travel Grants, 2012-13


On behalf of the UC California Studies Consortium, UCHRI is pleased to announce the awards for Graduate Student Research Travel Grants for 2012-13. The range of topics, fields and methodologies represented by these projects bodes well for the future of California Studies across the UC. Congratulations to all the awardees!

John Alvarado, Anthropology, UC Riverside
“Reconceptualizing Changing Indigenous Masculinities and Usos y Costumbres in A Mixtec Transnational Community: The Case of San Jerónimo Progreso”

Robert Aneyci, English Literature, UC Irvine
“Shadows on the Border”

Cutcha Risling Baldy, Native American Studies, UC Davis
“A Picture Perfect Indian: Re-Writing Edward Curtis’s Legacy Through Hupa Woman (c) 1923 or Mary Baldy Socktish”

Gustavo Buenrostro, Spanish and Portuguese, UC Berkeley
“Documents of Quinto Sol”

Mario Castillo, Sociology, UC Berkeley
“Toward A Refuge of Difference: Constructions of ‘Radical Inclusivity’ in Sacred Spaces”

Michelle Chihara, English Literature, UC Irvine
“Bubble Life: Fetishized home, Authentic Belonging, and the Culture of Booms and Busts”

Jean-Paul deGuzman, History, UCLA
“Rethinking Race and Activism Beyond the Urban Core: Southern California’s San Fernando
Valley from World War II to Secession”

Kimberley De Wolff, Communication and Science Studies, UC San Diego
“The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Plastic waste as matter of concern”

Anna Kryczka, Visual Studies, UC Irvine
“Learning from Los Angeles: Claes Oldenburg’s Bedroom Ensemble (1963)”

Shannon Lieberman, History of Art and Architecture, UC Santa Barbara
“Re-Imagined: Space, History, and Feminist Performance in 1970s Los Angeles”

Sarah Macdonald, Sociology, UC Berkeley
“Building Transnational Families: California International Adoption Agencies and the Global Market for Adoptable Children”

Maritza Maksimow, Anthropology, UC Santa Barbara
“Recordando El Porvenir: Four Generations of Memory, Migration and Place-Making among California-Baja California Transborder Families”

Stephanie Maroney, Cultural Studies, UC Davis
“Defining California through American Cookbooks of the Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”

Peter Owens, Sociology, UC Irvine
“No Farther West”: Indigenous Peoples and Settlers on the California Frontier, 1848-1873″

Caitlin Patler, Sociology, UCLA
“Young and Undocumented: The Impacts of Immigrant Legal Status on the Incorporation of Undocumented Youth in California”

Kayleigh Perkov, Visual Studies, UC Irvine
“Self-Craft: Identity Construction and the Handmade 1960-1980”

Juily Phun, US and World History, UC Irvine
“Contours of Care: The Influenza Pandemic and Healthcare in Southern California, 1918-1941”

Martin Rizzo, History, UC Santa Cruz
“No Somos Animales: Indigenous Diversity and Plurality in 19th Century Santa Cruz, California”

Martha Roberts, Religious Studies, UC Santa Barbara
“Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance Research”

Anne Clara Schenderlein, History, UC San Diego
“Ties of Belonging: A Transnational History of German Jewish Identities”

Sarah Seekatz, History, UC Riverside
“Blind Date: The Creation of an Arabian Fantasy in the Deserts of Southern California”

Elizabeth Sine, History, UC San Diego
“Rumblings Underfoot: Cultures of Resistance and the Crisis of Development in 1930s California”

Sara Smith, History, UC Santa Cruz
“Insurgent Labor: Rank-and-File Teachers Organizing in California After World War II”

Erik Watschke, Visual Studies, UC Irvine
“Allegories of Industry and the Limits of Reflexivity in the New Hollywood”

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