Center for Ancient Studies
About the Center
With the Ancient Studies program, UC Santa Cruz has launched a society of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) to provide a local forum for people with an interest in archaeology to meet and talk. Ancient Studies provides an original rationale for the study of the ancient world that incorporates and is more in tune with a post-modern sensibility and a global perspective. While the traditional field of Classics will be foundational, a wider geographical field will be explored.
April 28, 2016: The Center for Ancient Studies: Mireille Lee
March 3, 2016: Thomas Stoellner
October 29, 2015: Rita Lucarelli: “Ghosts and the Restless Dead”
April 9, 2015: Yannis Galanakis: “The Diplomat, the Dealer and the Digger: Writing the History of the Antiquities Trade in 19th century Greece””
May 19, 2014: Yiqun Zhou: “Helen and the Chinese Femmes Fatales”
May 6, 2014: Christopher Krebs: “What Makes Book Dangerous? The Case of Tacitus’ Germania”
April 16, 2014: Marjorie Venit “Strangers in a Strange Land”
February 27, 2014: Nicholas D. Cahill: “The City of Sardis”
February 14, 2013: David Blank: “Volumina Herculanensia: the Library of the Villa of the Papyri and its books”
May 23, 2013: Anthony Barieri-Low: “Imagining the Tomb of the First Emperor of China”
April 12, 2013: Simon Goldhill: “First Words, Dying Moments: Starting and Ending in Sophocles and Euipides”
April 5, 2012: Charles Hedrick, Sr.: “Secret Mark: The Scholarly Firestorm that Followed…”
April 2, 2012: Charles Hedrick, Sr.: “Secret Mark: Second Edition or Forgery?”
February 28, 2012: J. Cameron Monroe: “Elephants for Want of Towns? New Light on Old Cities in West Africa’s Atlantic Age”
March 31, 2011: Jodi Magness: “The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls”
May 12, 2011: Sarah Nelson: “Korea and the Silk Road”
May 19, 2011: Emily Greenwood: “Regarding Priam: Reconciliation and Classical Reception”
October 22, 2011: Kathleen Lynch: “Sex Sells, But Who’s Buying? Erotic Imagery on Athenian Vases”
November 3, 2011: Brook Holmes: “The Missing Body: Authority, Immunity, and Objectivity in Early Greek Medical Writing”