Announcing Seven New THI Public Fellows
Graduate Students to Work in Organizations Serving the Arts, GLBT, Latino, and Mental Healthcare Communities and Beyond
Seven Humanities graduate students will bring their scholarship and academic expertise to the Bay Area community and develop new skills outside of a university setting as the 2020-2021 cohort of THI Public Fellows. Public Fellows contribute to research, programming, communications and fundraising at companies, non-profit organizations, and cultural institutions and gain valuable experience applying their skills and expertise outside the academy.
“THI Public Fellows strengthen the university’s bridges with the community while gaining an expanded sense of the possibilities of their own research and practice,” says Irena Polić, Managing Director of The Humanities Institute. “The Fellows learn real-world applications for their scholarship while helping organizations that may deeply be in need of the additional support.”
The organizations in Santa Cruz country and San Francisco gaining that additional support in 2020-2021 are the following: Senderos, a Santa Cruz-based organization that teaches Latino culture and history through expression and dance; the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History; the Catamaran Literary Reader, a literary and arts journal based in Santa Cruz; San Benito High School; the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) Historical Society in San Francisco; the UCSF Infant-Parent program at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center; and the Center for the Art of Translation in San Francisco.
Their work will support translation arts, community arts engagement, curriculum development, queer histories, mental health for new parents and their families, music, dance, and academic support for the Santa Cruz county Latino community, and more. In turn, graduate students will sharpen their skills in editorial and archival work, community organizing, events coordination and management, patient care, state-level policy, and museum curation. As Polić states, “It’s a benefit for all involved.”
Congratulations to our 2020-2021 Public Fellows!
Please join us in congratulating the following 2020 Summer Fellows and 2020-2021 Year-Long Public Fellows:
Summer 2020
Aaron Aruck (History) – Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) Historical Society
Alex Davis (Literature) – San Benito High School English Department
Morgan Gates (Literature) – Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History
Matthew Simmons (Literature) – Catamaran Literary Reader
Year Long 2020 – 2021
Daniel Butler (History of Consciousness) – UCSF Infant-Parent program
Kelsey McFaul (Literature) – Center for the Art of Translation
Kelsey Sasaki (Linguistics) – Senderos
Learn about more about THI’s Public Fellowship program and read our profiles of previous fellows here:

Featured image: from Senderos, a Santa Cruz-based organization that teaches Latino culture and history through expression and dance.