Awards recognize top presentations at Graduate Research Symposium

By Tim Stephens
Graduate student researchers from across the divisions explained their work to a diverse audience during the 12th Annual Graduate Research Symposium at McHenry Library on Friday, April 29. The symposium included graduate student presentations in a variety of formats, including posters, short talks, films, and other media.
An Awards Reception was held on the south lawn after the symposium. Two awards recognizing outstanding presentations in any discipline were awarded: a $250 cash Graduate Dean’s award and a $500 cash award for the Chancellor’s Graduate Research Prize. The deans of each academic division awarded a $100 gift certificate for the UCSC bookstore for the best presentation in the division. The UCSC Alumni Association also sponsored prizes, a $150 gift certificate for the UCSC bookstore, honoring presentations in each academic division.
Here is a complete list of award winners from this year’s symposium:
Chancellor’s Award: Grace Barcheck, Earth Sciences, for the media presentation “The heartbeat of an ice sheet: Turning science into sound from the Whillans Ice Stream in West Antarctica.”
Graduate Dean’s Award: Alex Moore, Visual Studies, with co-presenters Christine Turk and Danielle Crawford, for the poster presentation “Reading nature, observing science: Examining material practices in the Kenneth S. Norris and Lick Observatory papers.”