Call for Applications: Summer Dissertation Fellowships 2012

Deadline: April 30, 2012
Amount: $4,000
Number of awards: 5

Summer Dissertation Fellowships provide students financial support to help complete their dissertation research and writing.

Application consists of:

1. letter of application describing the current status of dissertation research

2. brief statement of previous and current awards and grants (award and grant titles, dates, and amounts)

3. summary of the dissertation project (no more than 3 pages)

4. one-page curriculum vitae

5. letter of support from the faculty advisor evaluating the student’s academic work to date, verifying that they are within normative time and in good academic standing


The student must be:

a) a PhD candidate in a graduate program in one of the humanities departments

b) within normative time and in good academic standing

Please submit your applications electronically, as PDF files, to Advisors should send the letters directly to

Questions? Please contact Irena Polić, Associate Director, IHR; or 831.459.1780.

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