Call for Proposals: THI Research Clusters 2024-2025
The Humanities Institute (THI) Research Clusters are experimental initiatives that can serve as incubators for larger projects in the future. Our institute offers faculty and graduate students seed funding, for up to three years, to explore innovative ideas and collaborations that can grow into self-sustaining programs. In particular, our clusters encourage scholars to engage in interdisciplinary research that breaks down silos and creates dynamic connections across disciplines. For more information, visit our Research Clusters page.
Deadline: Monday, June 3rd, 2024
Objective: This program is designed to encourage and support collaborative research in any area of the Humanities. In addition to programming (e.g., conferences, workshops, seminars, visiting scholars), we encourage the clusters to view this as seed funding and to think about ways the cluster can serve as an incubator for larger projects in the future (e.g. edited volumes, digital projects, the establishment of research centers, summer institutes, UC multi-campus research groups, etc.) and how they can leverage cluster funds to secure extramural funding. THI will work on research development with all clusters interested in pursuing this option. Preference will be given to clusters that have not already received multiple years of funding.
Strong preference will be given to groups who align with THI’s 2024-2025 theme: Humanity. We are especially interested in clusters that approach this topic from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, and encourage clusters that are working across academic departments and divisions.
Alongside clusters, The Humanities Institute also co-sponsors events and the application form will ask if you are interested in that form of support, in the event your cluster is not awarded.
Number of Awards: TBD; The Humanities Institute Steering Committee will decide the awards.
Amount: Up to $5,000 per cluster.
Eligibility: Groups of faculty from any UCSC Division may apply, as long as some Humanities faculty are involved as co-principal investigators. Graduate student involvement in the cluster is encouraged, but clusters must be led by at least two faculty PIs. Depending on funding availability, preference will be given to clusters whose primary PIs are faculty in the Humanities Division.
Duration: Funding is awarded on a year-by-year basis. Any unspent money on June 30, 2025 will be returned to The Humanities Institute. Clusters are funded for a year, but any funded cluster can reapply for funding for up to two additional cycles.
Reporting Requirement: The Humanities Institute will expect a final 1-page report by Saturday, July 1, 2025. This report will detail a) the activities of the cluster, b) how the activities enhanced the work of the faculty and graduate students involved and c) whether the cluster faculty applied for extramural funds (if yes, where; if no, why not).
Staffing: Staff support to the cluster will be included as an in-kind award from The Humanities Institute. Staff support includes event planning, program management, as well as assistance with research development.
Application Requirements:
- Cover sheet containing a) names of faculty principal investigators, b) title of research cluster, c) amount requested, e) amount of matching funds, if any.
- Narrative of no more than 3 pages describing a) the purpose of the cluster, b) the connection to the annual theme, c) the names and affiliations of faculty and graduate students whom you anticipate will be involved, and d) projected activities of the cluster.
- Budget.
Applications must be submitted via InfoReady.
Important: in order to fill out the application, you must show your departmental affiliation by adding a primary organization on your InfoReady profile.
Make sure you use the “Login for University of California, Santa Cruz Users.” Please follow the steps in our InfoReady Guide if this is your first time using InfoReady. We encourage you to start your application as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the InfoReady platform
Questions? Please contact with any questions.
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