Call for Papers and Presenters: Translation and Mediterranean Culture, 15-16 November, UC Berkeley

Mediterranean Studies SealThe Mediterranean Seminar UCMRP Fall Workshop and Conference will be held in conjunction with the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Townsend Center for the Humanities at the University of California Berkeley on Friday and Saturday, November 15 and 16, 2013.

We are currently accepting proposals for conference papers and workshop presentations.

The theme of the Conference (November 15) is Translation and Mediterranean Culture. We are interested in translation as both a social and a literary practice. Who the translators were; what translation meant in different historical and cultural contexts; the existence of lingua francas; translation and the foundation of Mediterranean culture, etc. We especially welcome presentations that address the role of translation in Mediterranean Studies.

Confirmed speakers include:
Ellen Finkelpearl, Scripps College
Dan Selden, UC Santa Cruz
Chris Chism, UCLA
Zrinka Stahuljak, UCLA
David Wacks, University of Oregon

Conference paper proposals should be submitted to (subject line: Fall 2013 Conference Paper) by 15 September 2013, and should include an abstract (250-500 words) and two-page CV.

The Workshop consists of discussion of three pre-circulated papers and a talk by our featured scholar, Karla Mallette (Romance Languages, University of Michigan), “Against translation: The cosmopolitan language as literary medium.” The Mediterranean Studies MRP invites proposals for workshop papers (articles or chapters in-progress, approx. 35 double-spaced pages) on the topic “Mediterranean Translations,” which may include works on Mediterranean methodologies or perspectives, or studies strongly informed by such. We seek papers in any relevant discipline, especially comparative or interdisciplinary work that uses the Mediterranean as a frame of analysis. Priority is given to faculty and graduate students from the UC system and collaborating institutions, but any North American-based scholars working on relevant material are encouraged to apply. (Scholars from further abroad are welcome to apply, but we cannot guarantee full travel support.) The Mediterranean Seminar/UCMRP will cover travel and lodging expenses for presenters.

The deadline for workshop proposals is 7 September 2013. Please submit an abstract (250-500 words) and two-page CV by this date to (subject line: Fall 2013 Workshop Abstract). Please clearly indicate that the event you are applying to is the “Fall 2013 Workshop.” Successful applicants are expected to submit a 35-page (maximum) double-spaced paper-in-progress for pre-circulation by October 28.

A separate call for conference and workshop registration will be sent out on September 21.

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