Center for Labor Studies

About the Center

The UCSC Center for Labor Studies, founded in 2007, is dedicated to the study of working people, the labor movement, and the challenge of the broader global economy as it impacts the working people of California and beyond. Through conferences, workshops, public lectures, and a range of guest speakers, we focus, in particular, on the relationship between the labor movement (broadly defined), social movements, and democratic practices; on gender, race, and ethnic dynamics; and on labor activism in international context. We also address a wide spectrum of questions related to the nature of work, employment, and working people’s lives in the U.S. and beyond. Our goal is to serve UCSC students, staff, and faculty while reaching out to the broader community of the Central Coast of California and beyond.

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May 4, 2015: Sanchita Saxena: “Made in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka: The Labor Behind the Global Garments and Textiles Industries”

February 20, 2015:  Steven Salaita: “Inter/Nationalism from the New World to the Holy Land: Encountering Palestine in American Indian Studies”

October 23, 2014: Richard T. Rodriguez of: “Undocumented Desires: On Day Labor, Sex Work, and Neoliberal Queer Politics”

February 5, 2014: Complicated Labors: Feminism, Maternity, and Creative Practice (Symposium & Gallery Exhibition)

October 28, 2013: Saru Jayaraman: “Behind the Kitchen Door in Santa Cruz and Across America”

October 21, 2013: Rocio Rosales: “Stagnant Immigrant Social Networks and Cycles of Exploitation”

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