Center for the Study of Pacific War Memories

About the Center
Okinawa Memories Initiative brochure
Okinawa Memories Initiative Brochure

The Center was founded in 2006 to support a variety of projects, arising out of the History Department, but engaging in strong collaborations with colleagues in other disciplines, other campuses and other countries. The premier goal of the center is to promote truly collaborative and truly transnational research into the legacies of the Asia Pacific War in the Pacific region across the 60 years since the end of the war.

World War II remains a profoundly relevant event to the peoples of the Asia-Pacific region over sixty years after its end. Memories of the war, whether expressed in reparations movements, school textbooks, scholarly work, institution-building or popular culture are still capable of eliciting passionate response and either forging or destroying relationships across the region.


The Okinawa Memories Initiative / The Gail Project

Eternal Flames: Living Memories of the Pacific War

The Okinawa Peace Memorial Park Project

Center Website

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