Call for Applications: 2015-2016 Metadata Central at UCLA

Metadata Call for ApplicationsDeadline: Monday, December 7, 2015
Sponsored by: UCSC Institute for Humanities Research

The Institute for Humanities Research (IHR) is accepting internal applications for Metadata Central, an intensive digital workshop for UC humanities graduate students, with or without their faculty advisors, to be held in January and June 2016 at UCLA. Ten UC students, including one from UC Santa Cruz, will be selected to participate in this workshop, centered around two on-site sessions at UCLA in winter and spring quarter. In addition to the on-site workshops, students will participate with their cohort in regular web-based meetings from January to June 2016 to gain expertise, learn about available resources, and build a metadata community of practice.

Here are the workshop’s components:

  • Metadata Workshop. January 28 and 29, 2016 at UCLA.
    o Day 1: Discuss the theory and practice of metadata for digital humanities projects with several specialists from the Center for Digital Humanities, the UCLA DH program and the UCLA Digital Library Program.
    o Day 2: Work with available specialists to define or refine the type and organization of the metadata relevant to your specific project.
  •Community of practice. January — June 2016 online. During the next five months you will work on your project, with guidance and support gained through regular web meetings and offline knowledge shared with your cohort and available experts.
  •Project Review. June 2, 2016 at UCLA. Join your cohort once more in Los Angeles to discuss progress, further questions, lessons learned, and best practices. You will be asked to reflect explicitly on how metadata feature in your project.

Who is this for? Students in the beginning stage of a research project that involves a strong digital component are encouraged to apply. Each campus humanities center will hold an internal competition to select up to three applicants to send forward to UCLA who will make the final selection. Only one student per UC campus will be funded.

To apply: Please provide the following information to your campus humanities center:

  • Project title.
  • Project Description (no more than 2 pages) addressing the following questions:
    o What is your subject and research question?
    o Who are your collaborators? Include library, technology experts as well as other scholars, if any.
    o Who is/are the audience(s) of your project?
    o What type of interactivity do you envisage for your project (e.g., database, GIS, wiki, crowd sourcing etc.)?
    o Do you have access to technical support on your campus for hosting or assistance with soft- or hardware (not required)?
    o Where will your project be hosted?
    o What has been started and/or completed for your project to date?
    o Will your faculty advisor participate in the workshop? If so will (s)he bring his/her own project to the table, or is (s)he part of your group of project collaborators?

Please email proposals to by Monday, December 7, 2015.

The Metadata award, made possible by a grant from the UC Humanities Research Institute, will cover workshop costs, travel expenses, and room and board for accepted students. Faculty advisors are encouraged to attend, but will not receive compensation. Applying to this grant is a commitment to participate in the full three days of the workshop.

For more information please contact IHR Associate Director Irena Polić

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