CFA: National Humanities Center Winter Podcasting Institute for Graduate Students

Deadline: October 28th, 2022

We are accepting applications for the National Humanities Center Winter program, “Podcasting the Humanities: Creating Digital Stories for the Public.” “Podcasting the Humanities: Creating Digital Stories for the Public” is a five day virtual Regional Winter Institute (January 9-13) that will provide hands-on training for PhD students in the humanities to translate research, commentary, and community-sourced narratives into podcast episodes.

To be considered, interested doctoral students must submit their applications to The Humanities Institute by October 28th, 2022.

Podcasting the Humanities: Creating Digital Stories for the Public

Podcasting has become a common form of storytelling in the digital and social media age. This five-day institute will provide hands-on training for PhD students in the humanities to translate research, commentary, and community-sourced narratives into podcast episodes.

Working in cross-disciplinary and intra-university teams, participants will learn how to storyboard an idea, to create and collect audio content, and to edit their narrative into an entertaining, powerful podcast. All equipment will be provided, and technical support will be given throughout the week.

Dates: January 9-13, 2023

Award: THI will nominate selected fellows to the NHC program and cover the $825 tuition cost per participant.

Eligibility: The applicant must be:

  1. A PhD student in a graduate program in the Humanities Division or engaged in humanities research and teaching in Visual Studies, Film and Digital Media, Music, Latin American and Latino Studies, Sociology, or Anthropology.
  2. Within normative time and in good academic standing.
  3. Enrolled in at least five credits of graduate-level coursework. Students are ineligible to apply while on leave.

Applications should include the following components:

  • A complete application form answering 4 short questions.
  • A one-page resume or curriculum vitae.


*PLEASE NOTE: You must be logged into your Google account to use this application form. Questions? Contact Saskia Nauenberg Dunkell, Research Program Manager, THI;

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

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