CFA: “Routes of Enslavement in the Americas” Research Grants


The Humanities Institute is sharing this call for applications connected to the project: The Intra American Slave Trade Database led by UCSC Professor of History Greg O’Malley.

The UC MPRI project “Routes of Enslavement in the Americas” invites applications for research grants for ladder-rank faculty and graduate students from all the UC campuses engaged in studying the African Diaspora from any field, such as Latin American Studies, US History, and African American History. Starting in 2023, this project will enlarge the network of collaborating scholars and students within the UC to expand the investigation of the traffic of African and African-descended captives, to include trafficking in the Black Pacific (in the coasts from California to Chile), within colonial Mexico (including California), as well as an investigation of the migration of free and enslaved people from the Caribbean islands to the mainland Americas. For more information about the grant, please see the attached call for applications. We are pleased to offer $4000-$5000 awards for UC faculty and $2000-$2500 for graduate students to conduct research in 2023. These awards should be used, broadly conceived, for research, which includes but it is not limited to research travel, purchasing books or other sources and/or materials, writing substantial works such as journal articles, books, or doctoral dissertations, workshopping manuscripts for publication, or other activities that allow the recipient to advance their research agenda. All funding must be used between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2023. (thus, this call will fund activities retroactively to Jan 1.) Applications are due May 5, 2023, notifications will be issued by June 9, and funding will be available in July. The submission consists of a single PDF file with:

  • 1 paragraph description of the project and 1 paragraph on how you would specifically use the funds of this award (total 1 page).
  • A 1-page C.V.

Application Instructions

  1. Applications must be submitted electronically by Friday, May 5, 2023 through:
  • Click “log in” on the upper right corner. Be sure to follow our InfoReady Guide if this is your first time using InfoReady.
  • Select “Research Grants “Routes of Enslavement in the Americas” for “Faculty and Graduate Students” from the list of open competitions.
  1. Enter the following information directly into the online form:
  • Name
  • Campus
  • Department
  • Faculty // Graduate Student
  • If Faculty: Assistant, Associate, Full
  • If Graduate Student: Year in the Program
  1. Upload the required materials listed above as a single PDF of 2 pages.
  2. Complete the online form.
  3. Once you have completed your online application form, click “Submit Response”to submit the application. Applications cannot be changed once they have been submitted.

For questions regarding Research Grants “Routes of Enslavement in the Americas”, please contact Angelica Enriquez at

Make sure you use the “Login for University of California, Santa Cruz Users.” Please follow the steps in our InfoReady Guide if this is your first time using InfoReady. We encourage you to start your application as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the InfoReady platform. 

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