Humanities in the Age of Artificial Intelligence


About the Cluster
Since Alan Turing proposed his test to measure machine intelligence, whether machines can accurately replicate actual human cognition has been a continuous and sometimes contentious debate fueled by AI skeptics and speculative science fiction. Cautionary tales aside, global capital and powerful governments are hurrying to develop AI in their respective countries. The global race to develop AI is undoubtedly driven by wealth, power, and technological edge. While there has been significant progress integrating AI into research practices in engineering and the physical and biological sciences, there is work to be done in the humanities. There is enormous room for humanist experimentation, and a chance to design distinctive visions and methodologies for AI. We aim to create a laboratory to facilitate that experimentation, focusing on the promise of large language models (LLMs) in conjunction with other machine learning systems. Leveraging LLMs is the next research breakthrough for our disciplines, and we aspire to be at the forefront of this revolutionary wave.

Explore further on the cluster website.

Principal Investigator
Minghui Hu (History)

Affiliated Faculty
Massimiliano Tomba (History of Consciousness)
Magy Seif El-Nasr (Computational Media)
Noah G Wardrip-Fruin (Computational Media)
Pranav Anand (Linguistics)
Benjamin Breen (History)
Zac Zimmer (Literature)

Affiliated Graduate students
Mark Howard (Politics)
Manning Chan (History)

Affiliated Community Members
Jeffrey Weekley (Director, Research IT, ITS, UCSC)
Xiao Li (Digital Humanist, ITS, UCSC)
Saskia Nauenberg Dunkell (Research Programs and Communications Director, THI, UCSC)


March 11, 2025AI Cluster Meeting: Mathew L. Jones

March 4, 2025AI Cluster Meeting: Benjamin Breen

February 18, 2025Katie Shilton – “Trust, Trustworthiness, and Participation”

February 11, 2025Armen Khatchatourov – “Truths and Rewards of Algorithmic Governmentality”

January 27, 2025Dan Zimmer – “From Left/Right to Up/Down”

November 18, 2024Wenyi Shang – “Moving Beyond the Streetlight”

October 28, 2024Alice Barale – “Art and Artificial Intelligence: A Philosophical Investigation”

May 6, 2024“Humanities in the Age of AI” Lunch Meeting – Cancelled

April 8, 2024“Humanities in the Age of AI” Lunch Meeting: Theresa Hice-Fromille and Sarah Papazoglakis

March 4, 2024“Humanities in the Age of AI” Lunch Meeting: Machine Translation (MT) with Large Language Models (LLMs)

February 12, 2024Davide Panagia: Political Theory, Democracy, and the Challenges of Algorithmic Governance

January 8, 2024“Humanities in the Age of AI” Lunch Meeting: Magy Seif El-Nasr and Mark Howard

December 11, 2023“Humanities in the Age of AI” Lunch Meeting: Dustin Gray

November 20, 2023“Humanities in the Age of AI” Lunch Meeting: Matt Sparke and Jack Fox Keen

October 2, 2023 – “Humanities in the Age of AI” Cluster Lunch Meeting

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