Congratulations to THI’s 2024-2025 Fellows

The Humanities Institute is pleased to announce our new cohort of fellows for 2024-2025.

This year, we are awarding 25 Graduate Research Fellows, 7 Graduate Student Public Fellows, and 2 Faculty Research Fellows.

THI is proud to directly fund the work of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students through a range of fellowship opportunities. Faculty receive course releases and stipends that enable them to pursue new projects or publish their work as articles or a book. Graduate students receive summer THI fellowships that allow them to engage in intensive research, including traveling for fieldwork and writing chapters of their dissertation. With our support, THI fellows gain much needed time, funding, and support to pursue and share their groundbreaking scholarship.

You can see all THI Fellows on our website. Congratulations to our new fellows!

Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Faculty Fellows!

Christian Ruvalcaba, Languages and Applied Linguistics
“The Lost Vocabulary: Recovering and Analyzing an Elusive Manuscript of the Tegüima Language”

Juned Noor Shaikh, History
“Gangadhar Adhikari and South Asia: An Alternative History of the Twentieth Century”

Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Graduate Student Research Fellows!

Hayden V. White Summer Dissertation Fellow

Md Mizanur Rahman, Politics
“Politics beyond the State: The Birth of an Ethical Politics in Anticolonial Muslim Thought”

Barber Fellow

Katie O’Hare, Literature

THI Summer Dissertation Fellows

Lalitha Balachandran, Linguistics
“Linguistic Contexts in Memory”

Maya Wax Cavallaro, Linguistics
“The phonetics and phonology of domain-final sonorant consonant devoicing”

Man Ning Chan, History
“Music, Tradition, and Politics: A History of Qin-zither in Early Modern China”

Amanda Huse, History
“‘She was afraid I would tell it’: Women and Ku-Klux Violence in Reconstruction Georgia”

Robin Jones, History of Consciousness
“Dissident communism: Trajectories of the independent left in postcolonial Syria”

Alexyss McClellan-Ufugusuku, History
“Shima-centric: Political Indeterminacy of the Ryukyu Islands and the creation of the United States’s archipelagic empire, 1943- present”

Anny Mogollon, Literature
“Seizing the Means of Production: Multigenerational Testimonios and Domestic Worker Self-Representations in an Age of Neoliberalism”

Monica Multer, Literature
“’Repairing the Ruin’: The Didacticism of Embodied Passion in John Milton and Paradise Lost”

Justine Parkin, History of Consciousness
“Oceanic Coordinations: Decolonial Ecologies in the Indigenous Pacific”

Summer Pathways Awards

Darien Acero, History of Consciousness
“Right Under Their Noses: Sovereignty, Surveillance, and Subversion in 18th Century Cuban Maroon Communities”

Paulina Cardenas, Literature
“Boundless Utopianism: Julia Alvarez’s A Cafecito Story as Foundation for Worlding”

Lilith Frakes, History of Consciousness
“Hybrid Apes and Conservation in the Anthropocene”

Ania Mah Gricuk, History
“The Crossroads of Diaspora, Medicine, and Commerce: A Transnational Story of Cooling Herbal Tea”

Quyen Pham, Literature
“Unsettling the Book: Dictee and Disorientated Performances”

THI Summer Research Fellows

Leonard Butingan, History
“Spectres of Empire: Black British Activism and Cultural Politics in Neocolonial Britain 1976-2000”

Stefania Cotei, History of Consciousness
“Unarchiving Memory”

Anna Egorova, History of Consciousness
“Muslim Communism Archive”

Maxwell Kaplan, Linguistics
“Crosslinguistic comparison of phonotactic repair”

Melissa Mack, Literature
“Literature of Marked and Unmarked Sites of Death and Memory”

Kristen Nelson, Literature
“The Witches of Benevento”

Elliot Richardson, History
“Expanding the Field of Trans History: Trans Networks of CareAcross the US-Mexico Border”

Anthony Soliman, History
“Creating a Black Pacific: Black Internationalism and Print Culture in Nineteenth-Century California”

Kristine Swarts-Zanin, History
“Conflict and Coexistence within Jerusalem: The Jordanian Interpretations of the Status Quo”

Congratulations to our Summer 2024-2025 Graduate Student Public Fellows!

Seven Humanities graduate students will bring their scholarship and academic expertise to communities and develop new skills outside of a university setting as the Summer 2025 cohort of THI Public Fellows. Public Fellows contribute to research, programming, communications and fundraising at companies, non-profit organizations, and cultural institutions and gain valuable experience applying their skills and expertise outside the academy.

Arielle Burgdorf (Literature) – The Center for the Art of Translation

Breanna Byrd (Feminist Studies) – Warren County Environmental Action Team

Matthew Kogan (Linguistics) – Indexical

Brian Rivera Hernandez (Literature) – Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana (MACLA)

Maria Pachon (Literature) – Pollen Initiative

Somreeta Paul (Philosophy) – PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization)

Marina Segatti ( Feminist Studies) – Acervo Bajubá

Don’t miss our announcement of THI’s 2023-2024 Undergraduate Research Fellows, and look for a call for 2024-2025 fellows soon.

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