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e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies “The Future of Education: Advanced Computing, Ubiquitous Learning, and the Knowledge Economy”
November 2, 2015 | Stevenson Event Center
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UCSC to host an International e-Learning Conference, November 2-3 2015
This year, UC Santa Cruz will play host to the Eighth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies from November 2-3, 2015. The conference is built upon four key features: Internationalism, Interdisciplinarity, Inclusiveness, and Interaction. Conference delegates include leaders in the field as well as emerging artists and scholars who travel to the conference from all corners of the globe and represent a broad range of disciplines and perspectives. A variety of presentation options and session types offer delegates multiple opportunities to engage, to discuss key issues in the field, and to build relationships with scholars from other cultures and disciplines. More than 20 countries are expected to be represented at the conference. I encourage our faculty and graduate students to submit proposals to present papers at this conference.
The e-Learning Conference will investigate the uses of technologies in learning, including devices with sophisticated computing and networking capacities that are now pervasively part of our everyday lives. Additionally it explores the possibilities of new forms of technology-mediated learning devices not only in the classroom, but also in a wider range of places and times than was conventionally the case for education.
The conference welcomes submissions from a variety of disciplines and perspectives and encourages faculty and students to jointly submit proposals discussing e-Learning through one of the following themes:
• Theme 1: Pedagogies
• Theme 2: Institutions
• Theme 3: Technologies
• Theme 4: Social Transformations
• 2015 Special Focus: The Future of Education: Advanced Computing, Ubiquitous Learning, and the Knowledge Economy
Plenary speakers will include: Satya V. Nitta, Program Leader of the Cognitive Learning Content research group at IBM’s T J Watson Research Center; Kevin Franklin, Executive Director of the Institute for Computing in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and Senior Research Scientist for the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois; and Jim C. Spohrer, Director of the IBM Global University Programs.
For more information, including registration pricing, please visit the conference website at:
This conference is co-sponsored by the UCSC Institute for Humanities Research and Academic Affairs. UCSC faculty and staff are welcome to contact Michael Tassio ( for more information.