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THI Coffee Hour
Humanities 1, Room 515 1156 High St, Santa CruzThe Humanities Institute is excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, and friends for a weekly Coffee Hour on Wednesdays, 11am to noon. We invite you to visit our team, meet our new Faculty Director, Pranav Anand, and talk with us about your academic interests as well as upcoming THI events and programs. Learn about how […]
Donna Haraway – Making Kin: Lynn Margulis in Sympoiesis with Sibling Scientists
Humanities 1, Room 210 1156 high st, Santa cruzCo-sponsored by History of Consciousness: GeoEcologies + TechnoScience Conversations Sympoiesis is a simple word; it means “making with.” We live in a profoundly sympoietic world. This talk begins with Lynn Margulis (1938-2011), a multi-faceted biologist who co-founded the view of Earth as Gaia, a planet with wildly improbable gas ratios and with sustained, unlikely equilibria […]