
Religious & Secular Entanglements Research Cluster

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  3. Religious & Secular Entanglements Research Cluster
Events from this organizer

Tanya Luhrmann Workshop: “How the Hippie Christians Became the Religious Right”

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

The Religious and Secular Entanglements Research Cluster hosts a workshop with Tanya Luhrmann. Participants should read her current work-in-progress, "How the Hippie Christians Became the Religious Right," in advance. Two graduate students, Sarah Kelman and Brent Crosson, will lead the discussion. All are welcome.  

Bruce Lawrence: "Minor Matters – Asian/African, Muslim/Christian"

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

How do Muslims and Christians together meet the challenge of majority-minority identity politics in the 21st century? I will assess the status of minority citizenship in places of Africa and Asia that have mixed communities where Muslims are the majority, Christians the minority. Though these communities might be religiously marked as Muslim and Christian, they also have […]

Workshop with Fenella Cannell: "Mormon Intercessions"

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Join the IHR's Religious and Secular Entanglements Research Cluster for a workshop with Fenella Cannell. We will be discussing an early draft of her current work on kinship and religion with a specific focus on Mormonism. Attendees should read the draft of her chapter on "Mormon Intercessions" by clicking on the two (2) links below. […]