IGHERT – Integrative Graduate Humanities Education and Research Training
About the Project
The CHCI/IGHERT project, on the pilot theme of “Indigeneity in an Expanded Field,” involves both a set of structured research investigations and cross-institutional collaborations on this specific theme and a test of the IGHERT (Integrative Graduate Humanities Education and Research Training) framework that may eventually be utilized by other teams with other themes.
This dual focus—thematically specific for the pilot and structurally generic for the training framework—is a feature of the IGHERT project that distinguishes it from other CHCI-Mellon projects with a primarily thematic focus.
Project Partners
The IGHERT program is sponsored by CHCI: Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutions and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The program is a partnership between:
The Institute for Humanities Research | UC Santa Cruz
Center for 21st Century Studies | University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Humanities Research Centre | Australian National University
The International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture | University of Giessen
Plenary Sessions
September 19-20, 2014
University of California, Santa Cruz
Hosted by the Institute for Humanities Research
Peoples / Migrations / Claims
August 10 – 15, 2015
Australia National University
Canberra, Australia
Human and Non-Human Belonging
May 8 – 9, 2016
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Territories / Spaces / Environments
October 2016
University of Geissen