Thank you… Now what?
Hello Deep Readers,
We’re still buzzing from Sunday’s insightful keynote event with Elizabeth Kolbert and Ezra Klein (Stevenson), but we’re not closing the book on the 2023 Deep Read just yet. On June 7, we’ll be hosting an in-person and online Community Salon at the Seymour Marine Discovery Center. Co-sponsored by The Humanities Institute and Lookout Santa Cruz, this event will focus on actions we all can take in the face of climate change. Ecology Action, Elkhorn Slough Foundation, and Regeneración Pajaro Valley will lead the discussion. RSVP today!

Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who came out to the keynote event. Over 750 Deep Readers attended the thought-provoking event at the UC Santa Cruz Quarry Amphitheater. Thank you to Elizabeth Kolbert and Ezra Klein for the heady conversation about Under a White Sky and the many questions it raises about our current climate predicament. Thank you to Campus Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Lori Kletzer, Community Archivist Rebecca Hernandez, and Humanities Dean Jasmine Alinder for your introductory remarks. And thank you to Santa Cruz Mayor Fred Keeley for proclaiming May 21 and May 22 Elizabeth Kolbert and Ezra Klein days, respectively! Watch the video of the main event here.

Thank you to our incredible 2023 faculty partners—Jorge Menna Barreto, Mike Beck, Jody Biehl, and Sikina Jinnah. Your perspectives and insights helped us read deeply and critically this year and showed all of us the range and quality of work happening here on campus. Watch the video of the Deep Read Faculty Salon here.
Thank you to our community of over 8,000 Deep Readers for joining us online and in person this year. Your thoughtful and enthusiastic engagement energizes us!
Thank you to our Campus and Community Partners. Your collaboration is essential to this program’s continued success.
And thank you to the Helen and Will Webster Foundation for your continued financial support of this program.
We’ll be back next year with another Deep Read experience!
Until then, stay attuned.
-The Deep Read Team
P.S. If you love The Deep Read and appreciate all the ways The Humanities Institute enriches our community, please consider making a gift to support our work here.