UC Humanities Update: March 11, 2013
Welcome to the UC Humanities Update, a fortnightly e-news blast designed to bring you the latest news and information about humanities across the UC system, from opportunities for funding and networking to stories about emerging research, collaborations, events, and more.
The Work of the Humanities Center by Jessica Beard, Ph.D. student in literature at UC Santa Cruz
Conference: The Future of Democracy in a Networked World
Humility and Humor Make for Great Conversation by Sarah Rebolloso McCullough, Ph.D. candidate in cultural studies at UC Davis
Upcoming deadlines:
3/13/2013: 2013-15 Multicampus Research Groups
3/27/2013: Graduate-Sponsored Events and Workshops
4/3/2013: UCHRI Working Groups
4/3/2013: UCCSC Graduate Research Travel Grants
4/3/2013: UCCSC Public Humanities Grants
4/3/2013: UCCSC Working Groups
4/10/2013: Religions in Diaspora & Global Affairs: 2013-15 Humanities Studio
Democratic Futures: Mobilizing Voices, and Remixing Youth Participation
2013 Digital Media & Learning Conference
March 14-16, 2013 | Chicago, IL
Details: http://dml2013.dmlhub.net/
Humanities in Circulation
25th Anniversary of the UC Humanities Initiative + Annual Society of Fellows Meeting
April 18-19, 2013 | UCLA
Details: http://uchri.org/events/