McHenry Library, Room 2353
Using Zotero for Graduate Student Research: A Library Workshop for Humanities Division Graduate Students
McHenry Library, Room 2353Led by: Annette Marines and Rachel Deblinger Zotero is an open source (free) citation management software that allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies. It lives in your browser and connects directly to library catalogues and research databases. This workshop will […]
Research Workshop for Humanities Graduate Students
McHenry Library, Room 2353Pursuing and Managing Your Research: A Library Workshop for Humanities Division Graduate Students -refine strategies for locating materials (e.g., using archivegrid; in-house and ILL resources) -develop facility with tools to manage research (e.g., zotero) -get to know library staff (every researcher's best friends) Led by: Annette Marines and Lucia Orlando When: Tuesday, January 20, 4-5:30 […]