CFA: THI Graduate Research Fellowship Applications 2023-24
We’re now accepting applications for THI Graduate Research Fellowships:
THI Dissertation Completion Fellowship
THI Summer Dissertation Fellowships
THI Summer Research Fellowships
Application Deadline: Wednesday March 22nd, 2023
The call details are listed below. Please note that all THI applications will now be submitted via InfoReady. Read the instructions carefully in order to apply on the InfoReady platform. First time users can follow this InfoReady Guide.
For more information on all THI Fellowship opportunities, visit our Funding page.
Deadline: March 22nd, 2023
Award consists of:
• Quarterly stipend that will be commensurate with new grad rates
• In-state tuition, fees, and health insurance
Number of awards: 1
Fellowship recipients are expected to devote themselves to writing during the time of the award (AY 2023-24) and not to hold teaching assistantships or other employment. The applications will be evaluated for academic excellence as well as the likelihood of completion according to the proposed schedule. Partial-year awards are not permitted.
Eligibility: The student must be:
a) a PhD candidate in a graduate program in one of the departments in the Humanities Division (Important: in order to fill out the application, you must show your departmental affiliation within the Humanities Division by adding a primary organization on your InfoReady profile)
b) within normative time and in good academic standing
c) enrolled in at least five credits of graduate-level coursework (students are ineligible to apply while on leave)
NOTE: Fellows are required to present their work during the annual Graduate Research Symposium, hosted by the UCSC Graduate Division during Spring 2024.
Application: Applications must include the following:
1. Letter of application describing the current status of your dissertation research, with a detailed timetable for completion by June 2024
2. Brief statement of previous and current awards and grants (award and grant titles, dates, and amounts)
3. Summary of the dissertation project (no more than 3 pages), contextualizing the significance of the project for people who are not in your field of study
4. One-page curriculum vitae
5. Contact information for your department Graduate Director who will be required to confirm through InfoReady that you will be within normative time and in good academic standing during the 2023-2024 Academic Year (they will be prompted to do this after you submit your application).
6. Brief letter of support from your faculty advisor, evaluating your academic work to date and verifying that you are within normative time and in good academic standing. The letter should address why the research is important and how it will contribute to your progress toward the degree. Advisors should submit their letters via InfoReady. When you click “Send Reference Letter Request” on a saved InfoReady draft application, your advisor will receive an email containing a unique link to a web page to upload their letter.
Make sure you use the “Login for University of California, Santa Cruz Users.” Please follow the steps in our InfoReady Guide if this is your first time using InfoReady. We encourage you to start your application as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the InfoReady platform.
Questions? Please contact Saskia Nauenberg Dunkell, THI Research Programs and Communications Manager,
Deadline: March 22nd, 2023
Amount: $6,000
Summer Dissertation Fellowships provide students financial support to help complete their dissertation research and writing.
Eligibility: The student must be:
a) a PhD candidate in a graduate program in one of the departments in the Humanities Division (Important: in order to fill out the application, you must show your departmental affiliation within the Humanities Division by adding a primary organization on your InfoReady profile)
b) within normative time and in good academic standing
c) enrolled in at least five credits of graduate-level coursework (students are ineligible to apply while on leave)
NOTE: Fellows are required to present their work during the annual Graduate Research Symposium, hosted by the UCSC Graduate Division during Spring 2024.
Application: Applications must include the following:
1. Letter of application describing the current status of your dissertation research
2. Brief statement of previous and current awards and grants (award and grant titles, dates, and amounts)
3. Summary of the dissertation project (no more than 3 pages), contextualizing the significance of the project for people who are not in your field of study
4. One-page curriculum vitae
5. Contact information for your department Graduate Director who will be required to confirm through InfoReady that you will be within normative time and in good academic standing during the 2023-2024 Academic Year (they will be prompted to do this after you submit your application).
6. Brief letter of support from your faculty advisor, evaluating your academic work to date and verifying that you are within normative time and in good academic standing. The letter should address why the research is important and how it will contribute to your progress toward the degree. Advisors should submit their letters via InfoReady. When you click “Send Reference Letter Request” on a saved InfoReady draft application, your advisor will receive an email containing a unique link to a web page to upload their letter.
Make sure you use the “Login for University of California, Santa Cruz Users.” Please follow the steps in our InfoReady Guide if this is your first time using InfoReady. We encourage you to start your application as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the InfoReady platform.
Questions? Please contact Saskia Nauenberg Dunkell, Research Program Manager,
Deadline: March 22nd, 2023
Amount: $500 – $2,500
Summer research fellowships are to be used for research and research-related travel during Summer 2023.
Eligibility: The student must be:
a) a PhD student in a graduate program in one of the departments in the Humanities Division (Important: in order to fill out the application, you must show your departmental affiliation within the Humanities Division by adding a primary organization on your InfoReady profile)
b) within normative time and in good academic standing
c) enrolled in at least five credits of graduate-level coursework (students are ineligible to apply while on leave)
NOTE: Fellows are required to present their work during the annual Graduate Research Symposium, hosted by the UCSC Graduate Division during Spring 2024.
Application: Applications must include the following:
1) Letter of application (one to two pages), describing the proposed research and a simple budget. The application letter should address why the research is important and explain how it will contribute to the student’s progress toward the degree.
2) Brief statement of previous and current awards and grants (award and grant titles, dates, and amounts)
3) One-page curriculum vitae
4) Contact information for your department Graduate Director who will be required to confirm through InfoReady that you will be within normative time and in good academic standing during the 2023-2024 Academic Year (they will be prompted to do this after you submit your application).
5) Brief letter of support from your faculty advisor, evaluating your academic work to date and verifying that you are within normative time and in good academic standing. The letter should address why the research is important and how it will contribute to your progress toward the degree. Advisors should submit their letters via InfoReady. When you click “Send Reference Letter Request” on a saved InfoReady draft application, your advisor will receive an email containing a unique link to a web page to upload their letter.
Make sure you use the “Login for University of California, Santa Cruz Users.” Please follow the steps in our InfoReady Guide if this is your first time using InfoReady. We encourage you to start your application as soon as possible to familiarize yourself with the InfoReady platform.
Questions? Please contact Saskia Nauenberg Dunkell, Research Program Manager,