


About the Cluster
This research cluster on neo-authoritarianism aims to interrogate contemporary rightwing movements around the globe to pinpoint the continuities and discontinuities they present with historical forms of authoritarianism. We are particularly interested in tracing the impact of neoliberalism and, more recently, its waning authority, on configuring new modalities of authoritarianism. Here, we want to inquire whether current neo-authoritarian movements are predominantly a backlash against deepening inequalities and worsening social and environmental problems produced and/or exacerbated by neoliberalism, as these movements are sometimes presented, or whether they present qualities that are deeply informed and shaped by neoliberal logics.

Principal Investigators
Banu Bargu, Associate Professor of History of Consciousness
Massimiliano Tomba, Professor of History of Consciousness

Faculty and Graduate Student Participants
Matthew Sparke, Professor of Politics
Jack Davies, Ph.D. Candidate, History of Consciousness
Justin Gilmore, Ph.D. Candidate, History of Consciousness
Natali Levin Schwartz, Ph.D. Candidate, Politics
Sarah Mason, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology
Rowan Powell, Ph.D. Candidate, Politics
Gabriela Segura, Ph.D. Candidate, Latin American & Latino Studies
Sasha Wasserstrom, Ph.D. Candidate, Politics


Febuary 18, 2020: Nancy Luxon

November 21, 2019: Dylan Riley – Capitalism, Democracy, and Authoritarianism