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AI Cluster Meeting – Dan Zimmer

January 27 @ 12:00 pm  |  Humanities 1, Room 210


The Humanities Institute Research cluster, “Humanities in the Age of AI,” is pleased to invite you to a series of meetings this winter quarter. The research cluster boasts a diverse group of core participants. This includes esteemed faculty members from various disciplines, graduate students representing politics, history, literature, philosophy, feminist studies, and film and visual studies, and undergraduate scholars from computer science, computational media, and creative writing.

This meeting is scheduled for January 27th (Monday) at noon in HUM 210 with guest speaker, Dan Zimmer. More information coming soon.

Dan Zimmer is a political theorist who studies the planet-scale application of human power, with a transdisciplinary focus on nuclear weapons, global warming, and artificial intelligence (AI). He received a doctorate in political science from the Government Department of Cornell University and has since studied contemporary issues in climate science and AI with STS scholar Paul Edwards as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation. He now works as a lecturer in the Stanford Civic, Liberal, and Global Education Program and is currently completing a book manuscript that traces the emergence of the human species as a political object from Aristotle to the atom bomb to the Anthropocene.




January 27
12:00 pm


Humanities 1, Room 210
1156 high st
Santa cruz,CA95060United States
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