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bodies / moving / borders symposium and performance

June 8, 2013  |  Stevenson Fireside Lounge

bodies / moving / borders

displacements and dreams of citizenship

a research symposium and performances re-membering legacies, pedagogies and ways of knowing with special guests: Julio Salgado, Leti Volpp, and Las Bomberas de la Bahia

The symposium will extend the dialogue we have built about citizenship, culture and identity by bringing together scholars and practitioners to think about knowledge formations and embodied practices in the framework of citizenship.


10am    Panel 1: displacements

1pm     Panel II: dreams

3pm     Provocations

5pm     Performances (Stevenson Event Center)



June 8, 2013


Stevenson Fireside Lounge
Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College
Santa Cruz,CA95064United States