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Faculty Ethics Bowl May 20

Faculty Ethics Bowl: Ethics and the Far Future

May 20, 2019  |  University Center


What role should thinking about the far future—1,000 years ahead and more—play in research on campus? Faculty at UC Santa Cruz have widely divergent views on this question and it’s something the administration needs to decide on soon. Some say we should allocate significant resources; others say very little. This will be the focus of UC Santa Cruz’s first Faculty Ethics Bowl.

But the key here is the Ethics Bowl format. Ethics Bowl is very different from traditional debate. Teams are not automatically pitted against one another, and are docked for using rhetoric, spin, aggression, and clever rationalization. Rather, teams are scored on the basis of active listening, flexibility, collaboration, and analytical rigor–critical ingredients for meaningful discussion on difficult topics.

This event is free and open to the public, no RSVP required.

Team 1:                                                                                       Team 2: 


Anthony Aguirre PhysicsAnthony Aguirre                                                   Pranav Anand  Pranav Anand
Physics                                                                      Linguistics




Sandra Faber                                                        Sylvanna Falcón  Sylvanna Falcón 
Astronomy & Astrophysics                       Latin American and Latino Studies




David Haussler,David Haussler                                                    Nico Orlandi Nico Orlandi
The Genomics Institute                                         Philosophy




Led by Associate Professor of Philosophy Jon Ellis, in conjunction with the Center for Public Philosophy and The Humanities Institute.


May 20, 2019


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