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friday forum

Friday Forum for Graduate Research: Chessa Adsit-Morries

March 3, 2017 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm  |  Humanities 1, Room 202

Creative Ecologies of Practice: Collaborative Agential Modes of Eco-Aesthetic Pedagogy

This presentation will discuss two collaborative environmental art projects aimed at creating experimental and experiential trans-disciplinary pedagogical practices. Both projects are examples of “creative ecologies of practice” enabling and requiring multiple modes of thought, multiple modes of encounter, and multiple modes of pedagogy. They are imaginative and speculative, require resonance and creative response, and include practices and discourses of eco-aesthetics to foster sites of refuge, sites of agency and cities response-ablitiy. They enable collaborative inquires into urgent social, political and ecological challenges, exploring elements that help to activate, integrate and support collaborative endeavors that challenge current (neoliberal capitalistic) representations, foster (multi species) agency and create new knowledge(s).

Friday Forum Winter quarter 2017 Schedule:

Fridays 12:20-2pm
Humanities 1 Room 202

A weekly interdisciplinary colloquium series for sharing graduate research across the humanities. Join us for light refreshments and weekly presentations by your fellow graduate students.

January 27, 2017: Sarah Papazoglakis, Literature

February 03, 2017: Rachel Shellabarger, Environmental Studies

February 10, 2017: Kyuhyun Han, History

February 17, 2017: Yulia Gilchinskaya, Film & Digital Media

February 24, 2017: Maggie Wander, HAVC

March 3, 2017: Chessa Adsit-Morris, HAVC


March 3, 2017
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
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