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Banner of Living Writers Series showing the words: Living Writers Series Presents: Sentence & Sentience: forms

Living Writers: Julian Talamantez Brolaski

November 1, 2018 @ 5:20 pm - 6:55 pm  |  Humanities Lecture Hall, Room 206


Headshot of Julian Talamantez Borlaski wearing a chequered shirt and blazer.Julian Talamantez Brolaski is the author of Of Mongrelitude (Wave Books, 2017), which was recently shortlisted for a Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Poetry; Advice for Lovers (City Lights 2012); and Gowanus Atropolis (Ugly Duckling Press, 2011. It is coediter of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life & Work of Kari Edwards, as well as lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the Brooklyn-based Juan & the Pines and Oakland-based The Western Skyline. Julian is currently at work on The Apache Pollen Path (forthcoming from University of New Mexico Press) with its grandmother, Inés Talamantez.


About Living Writers, Fall 2018: “Sentence & Sentience: Forms”

This series features seven contemporary poets, critics, and artists who each render, albeit in differing forms and across a diversity of experiences, the unit of the sentence for powerfully sentient effects. Whether through poetic argument, the fictive line, or the scholarly imagination, each of these authors explore questions of race, gender, sexuality, nature, and nation in their respective practices and forms.

*Note: All Readings, except for the Morton Marcus Reading, featuring Gary Snyder, will take place from 5:20-6:55 in the Humanities Lecture Hall on the dates listed below.  The Gary Snyder Morton Marcus Memorial Poetry Reading will be held in the Music Recital Hall on November 15th from 6-8:00 PM.

All events are free and open to the public.


November 1, 2018
5:20 pm - 6:55 pm


Humanities Lecture Hall, Room 206
UCSC Humanities Lecture Hall, 1156 High Street
Santa Cruz,CA95064United States
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