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More-Than-Human(ities) Lab Early Career Scholars Share Session

March 5 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm  |  Humanities 1, Room 202

Please join the More-Than-Human(ities) Lab for our first ever “Share Session.” Three of our early-career lab members will share their current projects and invite your feedback in an informal, interactive conversation. Snacks will be served!

About Our Presenters:

Joan Chia-en ChiangJoan Chia-en Chiang – “‘I Won’t Fight For You’: Amis Soldiers in the Japanese Empire during WWII”



Ania Mah Gricuk


Ania Mah Gricuk – “Diasporic Medicine: A Modern History of Chinese Herbal Tea, 1880s-present”

Tracy LiyTracy Liu – “Reimagining the Technological Frontier: Posthuman Entanglements across China, Peru, and Mexico”

This event is presented by the THI More-Than-Human(ities) Laboratory Research Cluster.


March 5
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm