Cowell Conference Room
Ory Amitay: “Mary, Paulina and Fulvia: Allegorical History in Josephus’ Antiquities 18.53-84”
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesOry Amitay is Professor of History at the University of Haifa. This event is made possible from generous contributions from the Classical Studies Program, the Center for Jewish Studies, the departments of Literature and History, and the David B. Gold Foundation.
Maaike Bleeker: “(Un)Covering artistic thought unfolding”
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesTemporalities of Reenactment: A Speaker Series, 2011-2012 Maaike Bleeker Theatre Studies, Utrecht University (Un)Covering Artistic Thought Unfolding Following a suggestion by a Dutch dance initiative named Cover, this talk proposes the idea of ‘covering’ as practiced in the context of music as perspective on artistic practices of reenactment. The term ´cover´ points to what is […]
Visual Performance Studies Presents: Fabian Barba
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesTemporalities of Reenactment: A Speaker Series, 2011-2012 Fabian Barba Independent artist, Belgium Reenacting the Dances of Mary Wigman A Lecture Demonstration (Studio A-105, Theater Arts Center) Friday, February 3rd at 2pm The recent retrospective of the work of Marina Abramovic at MOMA in New York brought to wide public attention the phenomenon of what she called […]
Visual Performance Studies Presents: Kimberly Jannarone
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesTemporalities of Reenactment: A Speaker Series, 2011-2012 Kimberly Jannarone Theater Arts, Digital Arts and New Media, History of Consciousness, UCSC Memory and Mass Performance The recent retrospective of the work of Marina Abramovic at MOMA in New York brought to wide public attention the phenomenon of what she called the "reperformance" of her earlier work, […]
Pacific Study Group of the North American Kant Society 2011 Meeting
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesKant The Philosophy Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz is proud to host the 2011 Meeting of the Pacific Study Group of the North American Kant Society November 12-13, 2011. Speaking events are open to the public and will be held in the Cowell College Conference Room. For more information or to register […]
Martin Puchner: “Re-Enactment and Site-Specific Performance”
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesMartin Puchner While re-enactment has long been a popular art, it has entered performance art in two ways: through site-specific performances such as the ones orchestrated by Mike Pearson or David Levine, which often explore the history of a place; and the re-enactment of performance art, as in the recent case of Marina Abramovic. In […]
Brooke Holmes, “The Missing Body: Authority, Immunity, and Objectivity in Early Greek Medical Writing”
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesThe UCSC Program in Classical Studies presents: Professor Brooke Holmes, Princeton University, 'The Missíng Body: Authority, Immunity, and Objectivity in Early Greek Medical Writing" Brooke Holms Brooke Holmes' paper arises from a simple question: Why doesn't the physician draw on his experience of his own body as a source of knowledge and authority in early Greek medical writing? In trying to answer […]
Temporalities of Reenactment: A Speaker Series: “The Eternal Frame: An Artist’s Reenactment of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy”
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesThe Eternal Frame The Center of Visual and Performance Studies presents Temporalities of Reenactment: A Speaker Series: "The Eternal Frame: An Artist’s Reenactment of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy", a Screening and Conversation with Film & Digital Media Professor Emeritus Chip Lord and Professor Margaret Morse. The Eternal Frame was a project by Ant Farm and T.R. Uthco, 1975, that […]
Nancy Hornberger: “Multilingual Education Policy and Practice: Ten Certainties (Grounded in Indigenous Experience)”
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesEthnic diversity and inequality, intercultural communication and contact, and global political and economic interdependence are acknowledged realities in today’s world. Multilingual education, too, is a fact of life, and though there are a great variety of contexts, models, contents, and developmental trajectories in multilingual education policy and practice, it is possible to discern continuities that […]
Kuan-Hsing Chen: “Asia as Method”
Cowell Conference Room Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesKuan-Hsing Chen is Professor in the Graduate Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies; coordinator of the Center for Asia-Pacific/Cultural Studies at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan; and co-executive editor of the journal, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements. His most recent book is Asia as Method: Towards Deimperialiazation (Duke, 2010). Readings available at: Presented […]