
Stevenson College

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Events from this organizer

Stevenson College Faculty Lecture Series: Adrian Brasoveanu

NEGATION IS A PERVASIVE FEATURE of natural language and for the most part, the linguistic and psycholinguistic literature takes it to be a categorical, binary notion: the sentence “Sue left” is positive, while the sentence “Sue didn’t leave” is negative because of the sentential negation “didn’t.” At the same time, sentences like “Anna answered none […]

Noriko Aso: "Mitsukoshi at War: Rationalizing Luxury"

Although Mitsukoshi, Japan's preeminent department store, did its best to rework luxury and play for the total war state through such efforts as a fashion spread on Vichy French style, the state's demands stripped the retailer bare by 1945. Yet opposing "luxury" and "war" gives Mitsukoshi and unwarranted alibi: collaboration with imperialism had been hither […]

Past Time, Past Place: 3D Reconstruction Modeling for Examining Historic Sites

Archaeologists and historians are utilizing improving 3D technologies to create scholarly reconstructions of ancient places. These visualizations of now-disappeared spaces offer new potential for the examination of the ancient world. In this talk, Professor Sullivan will present her work on the 3D Saqqara project, a 3D visualization of the Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara. The project […]


Hearing Gender: Stereotypes and Context in Voice Processing

When we speak, in addition to our intended linguistic message, we communicate quite a bit about ourselves, such as our perceived gender, ethnicity, region of origin, etc. Expectations about these social categories interact with our comprehension at a very basic perceptual level. In this talk I'll discuss current research on how gender stereotype affects on […]


Laura Rosenzweig: “The Story of Hollywood’s Spies: Jewish Resistance to Nazism in Los Angeles in the 1930s”

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Laura Rosenzweig will present at the Stevenson Distinguished Alumni Lecture during Graduate Recruitment Day on April 4. The title of her talk is: “The Story of Hollywood’s Spies: Jewish Resistance to Nazism in Los Angeles in the 1930s” and will include a discussion about her journey from a UCSC doctoral student to a bestselling author. […]

Stevenson College Winter 2019 Distinguished Faculty Lecture: Phillip L. Hammack

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

"Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Era of Radical Authenticity" Professor Phillip L. Hammock will present on findings that challenge traditional scientific paradigms—historically rooted in static, binary notions of gender and sexual identity—and call for new understandings of identity, community, and stigma. The twenty-first century is a time of heightened recognition of diversity in gender, sexuality, […]

Jasmin Young: She Stood There by Him with a Gun – Mabel Williams and the Philosophy of Armed Resistance

Stevenson Fireside Lounge Humanites 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Cowell College, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Stevenson Fall Lecture Presented by Jasmin Young: Mabel Williams practiced armed resistance when white vigilante violence and police repression threatened the lives of activists. This talk interrogates the gendering of armed resistance and reveals the complex set of struggles between Black men and women about Black self-defense.  Jasmin A. Young is a University of California […]