Week of Events
All-In: Co-Creating Knowledge for Justice Conference
All-In: Co-Creating Knowledge for Justice Conference October 26-28, 2022 | Santa Cruz, CA There is an exciting resurgence in critical public scholarship: a push for universities to reach beyond their academic audiences and build stronger community-university partnerships to jointly tackle pressing social issues. Indeed, the complexity and scale of our social ills require not only […]
Our Mutual Friend Discussion Series: Parts VI-X
Our Mutual Friend Discussion Series: Parts VI-X
Join Professor Karen Hattaway (San Jacinto College) for a series of discussions about the book that stunned Conrad and Dostoevsky. Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens Sept. 25, Oct. 23, […]
From Levi to Dante: Redefining Humanity from the Margins
From Levi to Dante: Redefining Humanity from the Margins
Join us for the final event of From the Margins: Dante 701 Years Later, featuring Professor Robert Gordon (University of Cambridge) and Martin Eisner (Duke University). Moderated by Nathaniel Deutsch (UC […]
PhD+ Workshop – Preparing the Teaching Statement and Portfolio
PhD+ Workshop – Preparing the Teaching Statement and Portfolio
Gain tools and tips for effectively writing a teaching statement, a common document in faculty hiring and review processes and an opportunity to reflect on how your teaching supports student learning. We’ll also review how to select teaching portfolio materials that tell a compelling story of who you are as an educator. Kendra Dority, Ph.D., […]
Joan Scott – The Professor of Desire: Charles Fourier’s Sexual Utopia
Joan Scott – The Professor of Desire: Charles Fourier’s Sexual Utopia
The History of Consciousness department is pleased present their upcoming speaker series this fall quarter and invites you to join them. These will be hybrid events, hosted in-person in Humanities 1 Room 420 & virtually via Zoom, except for the talk on October 25th which will only be on Zoom. The Zoom link for all […]
Bettina Aptheker – Communists in Closets
Bettina Aptheker – Communists in Closets
The Humanities Institute and Bookshop Santa Cruz welcome Bettina Aptheker, UC Santa Cruz Distinguished Professor Emerita, for a discussion about her new book, Communists in Closets: Queering the History 1930s-1990s, which explores the history of gay, lesbian, and non-heterosexual people in the Communist Party in the United States. Free and open to the public. Registration […]
PhD+ Workshop – Disrupting Imposter Phenomenon from the Inside Out
PhD+ Workshop – Disrupting Imposter Phenomenon from the Inside Out
Have you ever felt imposter phenomenon? Learn how to cultivate a growth mindset to disrupt it and move toward empowering ways of learning. Silvia Austerlic is an intercultural educator, facilitator and consultant, and founder of Senti-pensante Connections, whose mission is to bridge inner work and social justice in service of individual transformation, social change, and […]
Archive as Offering – Grace L. Sanders Johnson
Archive as Offering – Grace L. Sanders Johnson
This talk names the layered applications, quotidian quality, and refusals of physical, psychological, and archival violence against Haitian women during the US occupation (1915-1934). Told alongside the story of a teenage girl’s life and death, the talk ultimately considers experimental historical practices as an opportunity to intervene in the presumed teleology of Black women’s lives […]
Rebecca Solnit, Orwell’s Roses
Rebecca Solnit, Orwell’s Roses
Bookshop Santa Cruz is delighted to welcome acclaimed writer Rebecca Solnit to the store for a discussion and signing of her most recent book, Orwell's Roses (in paperback October 18th). This event is cosponsored by The Humanities Institute at UC Santa Cruz. Bookshop's head book buyer, Melinda, says: "The gift of Rebecca Solnit is that […]
PhD+ Workshop – Psychology of Writing
PhD+ Workshop – Psychology of Writing
Sometimes we can be our severest writing critics and biggest hindrances to writing success. Learn about the VOCES Graduate Student Writing Center (for graduate students only) and how to overcome psychological barriers and start writing! Andrea Seeger received a bachelor’s degree in literature from UC Santa Cruz, master’s in English literature from the University of […]
Living Writers: Addie Tsai in conversation with Micah Perks
Living Writers: Addie Tsai in conversation with Micah Perks
Addie Tsai in conversation with Micah Perks. Conversations: Power Forged, the Fall Living Writers theme, features poets, novelists, academics, curators, and artists in conversation with one another, in person, across genre and media to open up a space between them, and all of us, within dialogue, collaboration, politics, intimacy and difference which poet and activist Audre […]
Tariq Thachil – Who Governs in India’s Small Towns? Notes from Rajasthan’s Nagar Palikas
Tariq Thachil – Who Governs in India’s Small Towns? Notes from Rajasthan’s Nagar Palikas
“Who Governs in India's Small Towns” will take place on October 28, 2022 from 10am to 12pm PST, and is a part of the UC Santa Cruz Center for South Asian Studies 2022-2023 lecture series, Futures. Guests can register to attend the virtual event here. Speaker: Professor Tariq Thachil (University of Pennsylvania)