Graduate Student Support

The Humanities Institute’s graduate student programs provide scholars with vital support to pursue their research interests and engage in Humanities projects that prepare them for meaningful careers. 

THI helps graduate students throughout their academic programs, from the beginning of their PhD to the end of their dissertation. We reduce financial burdens and address social inequalities by offering additional resources to students who have been historically underrepresented in higher education. We help students navigate the university and plan for life beyond it with training and professional development, including our innovative Public Fellows program that allows students to explore the value of a Humanities Ph.D. for a range of careers. Our research fellowships give graduate students much-needed time and funding to pursue groundbreaking scholarship. See our current and previous THI Fellows here.

Keep reading to learn more about the different kinds of support THI offers for graduate students. More information can be found in each link.

Committee on Graduate Student Grant Writing

Humanities graduate students applying to grants, fellowships, post-docs, and academic jobs can submit a draft of their application statement or cover letter to the Committee for feedback. Faculty will read and comment on materials within 10 days.

PhD+ Workshop series

PhD+ is a monthly workshop series focused on issues of interest to all graduate students. Workshops expand graduate student training and provide space for asking questions you might not know to ask.

Public Fellows Program

THI Public Fellowships create opportunities for Humanities students to contribute to research, programming, communications, and other activities at non-profit organizations, companies, and cultural institutions.

Research Fellows Program

THI Research Fellowships support graduate students with all aspects of their scholarly work from generating new ideas to visiting archives to presenting findings in publications and other forums.

Funding Snapshots

Each month, THI staff compiles the Funding Snapshot, a list of upcoming deadlines for extramural funding that supports research at the graduate, post-doctoral, and faculty levels. The following list is updated on a monthly basis and emailed to Humanities Division faculty and graduate students.

Research Development GSR

The Humanities Institute GSR is available to meet with graduate students one-on-one to go over individualized and customized searches for funding opportunities and review application proposals. Please email THI at

THI has a long history of supporting graduate students engaged in humanities scholarship, including hosting the Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development (UCSC SSRC-DPD) program and the Mellon-funded Graduate Student Success program.

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