Calendar of Events
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Santa Cruz Pickwick Club
Santa Cruz Pickwick Club
Please join the Santa Cruz Dickens Fellowship and the Santa Cruz Pickwick Club for our monthly Pickwick Club meeting. New this year, we will be devoting an entire year to one novel instead of two, and will dive deeply into Great Expectations. Join Dickens enthusiasts and Pickwick Club members for a series of discussions about […]
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Ariel Chan – “Bilingualism in Context: The Role of Language Experience and Cultural Identity in Language Processing”
Ariel Chan – “Bilingualism in Context: The Role of Language Experience and Cultural Identity in Language Processing”
The Department of Languages and Applied Linguistics is pleased to present: "Bilingualism in Context: The Role of Language Experience and Cultural Identity in Language Processing" with Ariel Chan, Ph.D. Stanford University Abstract Bilingualism is inherently a social phenomenon with variation. Sociolinguistic research (e.g., Chen, 2008; Lo, 1999; Milroy & Wei, 1995) has demonstrated that bilinguals […]
An Evening with Ross Gay & Chris Mattingly
An Evening with Ross Gay & Chris Mattingly
FREE IN-STORE EVENT: Bookshop Santa Cruz is delighted to welcome bestselling author Ross Gay (The Book of Delights, Inciting Joy) and local poet Chris Mattingly for an evening of poetry, plus a Q&A and a book signing. Ross Gay is the author of four books of poetry: Against Which; Bringing the Shovel Down; Be Holding, […]
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THI Coffee Hour
THI Coffee Hour
The Humanities Institute is excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, and friends for a weekly Coffee Hour on Wednesdays, 11am to noon. We invite you to visit our team, meet our new Faculty Director, Pranav Anand, and talk with us about your academic interests as well as upcoming THI events and programs. Learn about how […]
Donna Haraway – Making Kin: Lynn Margulis in Sympoiesis with Sibling Scientists
Donna Haraway – Making Kin: Lynn Margulis in Sympoiesis with Sibling Scientists
Co-sponsored by History of Consciousness: GeoEcologies + TechnoScience Conversations Sympoiesis is a simple word; it means “making with.” We live in a profoundly sympoietic world. This talk begins with Lynn Margulis (1938-2011), a multi-faceted biologist who co-founded the view of Earth as Gaia, a planet with wildly improbable gas ratios and with sustained, unlikely equilibria […]
4 events,
Linguistics Colloquia: Cynthia Yoonjeong Lee
Linguistics Colloquia: Cynthia Yoonjeong Lee
The Department of Linguistics is pleased to present: "Articulating linguistic prosody: representation and choreography" with Cynthia Yoonjeong Lee University of Michigan Abstract During a communicative act, language users adeptly control and coordinate intricate movements of vocal tract organs, including the lips, tongue, and larynx, to craft linguistic messages. The spatiotemporal patterning of these vocal tract […]
Zhiying Qian – “Verb Bias and Plausibility in Native and Non-native Sentence Processing”
Zhiying Qian – “Verb Bias and Plausibility in Native and Non-native Sentence Processing”
The Department of Languages and Applied Linguistics is pleased to present: “Verb Bias and Plausibility in Native and Non-native Sentence Processing” with Zhiying Qian, Ph.D. Florida State University Abstract The influence of the properties of a first language (Mandarin, Korean) on the comprehension of sentences in a second language (English) was investigated in a series […]
Living Writers with Undergraduate debut novelists Chiara Barzini & Rebecca Rukeyser
Living Writers with Undergraduate debut novelists Chiara Barzini & Rebecca Rukeyser
Living Writers - Winter 2024 - Return of the Beloved: An Alumni Series Chiara Barzini is a screen, fiction, and journalism writer who was born in Rome and raised as a teenager in Los Angeles, where she became obsessed with canyons, quartz, and the Grateful Dead. When she moved to New York she steered her […]
What Actually Happened in 1619: The Origins of Slavery in North America
What Actually Happened in 1619: The Origins of Slavery in North America
The New York Times’s The 1619 Project sparked controversy and conversation across the United States about the history and legacies of slavery. The project drew its name from a date, 1619, connected to the origins of American slavery, and its publication coincided with the four-hundredth anniversary of that event. But what actually happened in 1619? […]
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Before Justice: Meister’s Legacies of Critique
Before Justice: Meister’s Legacies of Critique
The History of Consciousness Department is delighted to invite you for an upcoming celebration of Professor Robert Meister, who has been teaching at UC Santa Cruz for 50 years! Please join us on Friday, February 2nd for an afternoon of discussion reflecting on Professor Meister’s research and teaching contributions, to be followed by a reception […]
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Linguistics Colloquia: Drew McLaughlin
Linguistics Colloquia: Drew McLaughlin
The Department of Linguistics is pleased to present, Drew McLaughlin (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language). Over the course of each year, the Linguistics department hosts colloquia by distinguished faculty from around the world. For full speaker and event information, please visit:
4 events,
THI Coffee Hour
THI Coffee Hour
The Humanities Institute is excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, and friends for a weekly Coffee Hour on Wednesdays, 11am to noon. We invite you to visit our team, meet our new Faculty Director, Pranav Anand, and talk with us about your academic interests as well as upcoming THI events and programs. Learn about how […]
Nicole Starosielski – Socializing the Network
Nicole Starosielski – Socializing the Network
Co-sponsored by Film + Digital Media This talk is a story about the ways that global digital infrastructure, especially the data centers and subsea cable networks that form the backbone of the internet, are produced out of tight-knit relationships that can weather geopolitical transitions, economic competition, and corporate tensions. I describe the process of “socializing” […]
From the Roots – Favianna Rodriguez Artist Talk
From the Roots – Favianna Rodriguez Artist Talk
The Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition Favianna Rodriguez: Power From The Roots opening January 9 and running through March 9, 2024. Favianna Rodriguez is an Oakland based activist and artist beloved for her work tied to social justice movements, such as her iconic image of a butterfly with the […]
Humanities Division Grad Slam Preliminary Round
Humanities Division Grad Slam Preliminary Round
Come out and support Humanities graduate students competing in their Grad Slam preliminary round for a chance to advance as a finalist to Grad Slam on March 2 at the Kuumbwa! This event is presented by UCSC's Division of Graduate Studies.
2 events,
Linguistics Colloquia: Andrea Beltrama
Linguistics Colloquia: Andrea Beltrama
The Department of Linguistics is pleased to present: Andrea Beltrama University of Pennsylvania speaking on The interface between pragmatic reasoning and social perception: Towards an integrative view of inferences in communication Abstract Comprehenders systematically draw two varieties of inferences in linguistic communication: pragmatic inferences, concerning the message conveyed by an utterance; and sociolinguistic inferences, concerning […]
Ying Yang – “Grammar, Interaction, and Social Context: The Evolution Story of 那na ‘that’”
Ying Yang – “Grammar, Interaction, and Social Context: The Evolution Story of 那na ‘that’”
The Department of Languages and Applied Linguistics is pleased to present: “Grammar, Interaction, and Social Context: The Evolution Story of 那na ‘that’” with Ying Yang, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin - Madison Abstract Face-to-face conversation is the primordial form of human interaction and language is inherently a form of social behavior. However, spontaneous natural conversation remains […]
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Cancelled – Project Paradiso: A Gateway to Dante’s Heaven – Episode Eight – Hierarchy and Diversity (Paradiso 3; 27–29 & 32)
Cancelled – Project Paradiso: A Gateway to Dante’s Heaven – Episode Eight – Hierarchy and Diversity (Paradiso 3; 27–29 & 32)
Dante’s Paradiso is the least studied and the least understood of the three parts of the Commedia. Yet it is arguably the most important for the dynamism and originality of the literary, theological, and philosophical inquiries that take place there. It is also a singularly important interpretive guide for a full understanding of the entire […]
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Davide Panagia: Political Theory, Democracy, and the Challenges of Algorithmic Governance
Davide Panagia: Political Theory, Democracy, and the Challenges of Algorithmic Governance
In this talk I will raise some challenges that political theorists face when reflecting on the political import of algorithmic governance. I do not develop normative or epistemic insights into these challenges, and in fact suggest that such an approach is problematic. Rather, I proceed by articulating some aspects of the political ontology of algorithms […]
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Wei Wang – “The Effect of Instruction on L2 Learners’ Interactional Competence: Listener Responses in Chinese as a Second Language”
Wei Wang – “The Effect of Instruction on L2 Learners’ Interactional Competence: Listener Responses in Chinese as a Second Language”
The Department of Languages and Applied Linguistics is pleased to present: “The Effect of Instruction on L2 Learners’ Interactional Competence: Listener Responses in Chinese as a Second Language” with Wei Wang, Ph.D. University of Houston Abstract This study investigates whether classroom instruction is effective in promoting L2 Chinese learners’ interactional competence (IC) as indexed by […]
Linguistics Colloquia: Anthony Yacovone
Linguistics Colloquia: Anthony Yacovone
The Department of Linguistics is pleased to present: Anthony Yacovone Tufts University / Massachusetts General Hospital speaking on Prediction is a piece of ceke: Developmental and psycholinguistic evidence for prediction of word-forms during natural language comprehension. Abstract For decades, psycholinguists have fiercely debated the role and centrality of prediction in human language. These debates center […]
2 events,
THI Coffee Hour
THI Coffee Hour
The Humanities Institute is excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, and friends for a weekly Coffee Hour on Wednesdays, 11am to noon. We invite you to visit our team, meet our new Faculty Director, Pranav Anand, and talk with us about your academic interests as well as upcoming THI events and programs. Learn about how […]
Thenmozhi Soundarajan – The Trauma of Caste and the US Equity Movement: A Dalit Feminist Meditation on Survivorship, Healing, and Abolition
Thenmozhi Soundarajan – The Trauma of Caste and the US Equity Movement: A Dalit Feminist Meditation on Survivorship, Healing, and Abolition
Thenmozhi Soundarajan is a Dalit American commentator on religion, race, caste, gender, technology, and justice. She is the Executive Director of Equality Labs and the author of The Trauma of Caste: A Dalit Feminist Meditation on Survivorship, Healing, and Abolition. This event is presented by the Center for South Asian Studies as a part of […]
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The Hayden V. White Distinguished Annual Lecture – Lisa Lowe: Histories of the Colonial Present
The Hayden V. White Distinguished Annual Lecture – Lisa Lowe: Histories of the Colonial Present
The Humanities Division and The Humanities Institute at UC Santa Cruz invite you to join us for the Hayden V. White Distinguished Annual Lecture, featuring Lisa Lowe. Guests who attend in person are invited to join us for a reception with light refreshments and beverages at 5:30 p.m. Settler colonialism, slavery, migration, and imperial war […]
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Nishat Khan Sitar Performance
Nishat Khan Sitar Performance
A performance of Indian Classical Music with Nishat Khan (sitar) and Nitin Mitta (tabla) Ustad Nishat Khan is one of India’s finest musicians and a virtuoso sitar player, transcending musical barriers with his provocative expression and spellbinding technical mastery. Nishat stands at the threshold of the future of sitar and Indian music with his uniquely invigorating […]
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Linguistics Colloquia: Caroline Andrews
Linguistics Colloquia: Caroline Andrews
The Department of Linguistics is pleased to present, Caroline Andrews (University of Zurich). Over the course of each year, the Linguistics department hosts colloquia by distinguished faculty from around the world. For full speaker and event information, please visit:
An Evening with Joe Garcia and Kate McQueen
An Evening with Joe Garcia and Kate McQueen
Kresge's Media & Society Series Presents, in Partnership with the Humanities Institute: An Evening with Joe Garcia and Kate McQueen Journalist Joe Garcia, whose viral essay "Listening to Taylor Swift in Prison" was published in the New Yorker last year, will be in conversation with writer, editor, and UCSC lecturer Kate McQueen. Garcia and McQueen […]
4 events,
THI Coffee Hour
THI Coffee Hour
The Humanities Institute is excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, and friends for a weekly Coffee Hour on Wednesdays, 11am to noon. We invite you to visit our team, meet our new Faculty Director, Pranav Anand, and talk with us about your academic interests as well as upcoming THI events and programs. Learn about how […]
Jun Borras – Land struggles and scholar-activism
Jun Borras – Land struggles and scholar-activism
Co-sponsored by Southeast Asian Coastal Interactions (SEACoast) The talk will argue that land struggles as framed by agrarian, food and environmental justice movements have regained academic and political importance in recent years, but that in the era of fragmented working classes and environmental/climate crisis, these require rethinking and reframing. Mapping contemporary land issues of working classes, […]
Undiscovered Shakespeare: Henry VIII
Undiscovered Shakespeare: Henry VIII
Join Santa Cruz Shakespeare, the UCSC Shakespeare Workshop, and The Humanities Institute, as we launch Undiscovered Shakespeare: Henry VIII, the fourth installment of our annual virtual Shakespeare program. Register for all sessions here: About Henry VIII: Early in its first run in 1613, Henry VIII (1613) set the world on fire – if by “world” […]
Kuumbwa Jazz Presents: American Patchwork Quartet
Kuumbwa Jazz Presents: American Patchwork Quartet
Kuumbwa Jazz is pleased to present American Patchwork Quartet (APQ) on Feburary 21, 2023 at 7:00PM! Join the live concert and support American Patchwork Quartet's mission to reclaim the immigrant soul of American Roots Music as APQ weaves modern immigrant dreams into songs. Tickets available for purchase here: American Patchwork Quartet - Kuumbwa Jazz American […]
3 events,
Linguistics Colloquia: Jed Pizarro-Guevara
Linguistics Colloquia: Jed Pizarro-Guevara
The Department of Linguistics is pleased to present, Jed Pizarro-Guevara (University of Massachusetts). Over the course of each year, the Linguistics department hosts colloquia by distinguished faculty from around the world. For full speaker and event information, please visit:
Living Writers with Poets Sarah Ghazal Ali and Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Living Writers with Poets Sarah Ghazal Ali and Julian Talamantez Brolaski
Living Writers - Winter 2024 - Return of the Beloved: An Alumni Series Sarah Ghazal Ali is a poet, teacher, and editor. She is the author of Theophanies (Alice James Books, 2024), selected as the Editors' Choice for the 2022 Alice James Award. A Stadler Fellow and recipient of The Sewanee Review poetry prize, her […]
The Peggy Downes Baskin Ethics Lecture with Maryana Iskander – Humans in the Loop: Wikipedia’s Future in the Age of AI
The Peggy Downes Baskin Ethics Lecture with Maryana Iskander – Humans in the Loop: Wikipedia’s Future in the Age of AI
What role will humans play in shaping the future of the internet, especially given the meteoric rise of generative artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT? Wikipedia is tech-enabled, but very human-led. Each month, it receives more than 15 billion visits as people search for information online. The CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that hosts […]
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Project Paradiso: A Gateway to Dante’s Heaven – Episode Nine – Language (Paradiso 26)
Project Paradiso: A Gateway to Dante’s Heaven – Episode Nine – Language (Paradiso 26)
Dante’s Paradiso is the least studied and the least understood of the three parts of the Commedia. Yet it is arguably the most important for the dynamism and originality of the literary, theological, and philosophical inquiries that take place there. It is also a singularly important interpretive guide for a full understanding of the entire […]
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Santa Cruz Pickwick Club
Santa Cruz Pickwick Club
Please join the Santa Cruz Dickens Fellowship and the Santa Cruz Pickwick Club for our monthly Pickwick Club meeting. New this year, we will be devoting an entire year to one novel instead of two, and will dive deeply into Great Expectations. Join Dickens enthusiasts and Pickwick Club members for a series of discussions about […]
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2 events,
Linguistics Colloquia: Dustin Chacón
Linguistics Colloquia: Dustin Chacón
The Department of Linguistics is pleased to present, Dustin Chacón (University of Georgia). Over the course of each year, the Linguistics department hosts colloquia by distinguished faculty from around the world. For full speaker and event information, please visit:
Charles Duhigg – Supercommunicators
Charles Duhigg – Supercommunicators
Bookshop Santa Cruz welcomes bestselling author Charles Duhigg (The Power of Habit) for a reading and signing of his new book, Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection, a fascinating exploration of what makes conversations work—and how we can all learn to be supercommunicators at work and in life. Charles Duhigg is a […]
4 events,
THI Coffee Hour
THI Coffee Hour
The Humanities Institute is excited to welcome students, faculty, staff, and friends for a weekly Coffee Hour on Wednesdays, 11am to noon. We invite you to visit our team, meet our new Faculty Director, Pranav Anand, and talk with us about your academic interests as well as upcoming THI events and programs. Learn about how […]
Kailani Polzak – Voyage Visuality: European Representations of Oceania at the Intersection of Eighteenth-Century Racial Theory and Artistic Practice
Kailani Polzak – Voyage Visuality: European Representations of Oceania at the Intersection of Eighteenth-Century Racial Theory and Artistic Practice
Amid discussions about universal rights, contestations over land, and debates over the morality of chattel slavery, eighteenth-century Europeans increasingly sought to codify social hierarchy in observable physical differences. This project depended upon and spurred the production of circulatable pictures of bodies in the form of prints. At the same time, recent encounters between European and […]
Mohamed Abdelaziz: Photogrammetry and Computer Graphics in Archaeology
Mohamed Abdelaziz: Photogrammetry and Computer Graphics in Archaeology
Photogrammetry and Computer Graphics in archaeology: application on some terrestrial and underwater archaeological sites in the city of Alexandria, Egypt In Alexandria-Egypt, CEAlex (Centre d’etudes Alexandrines) conducted the first scientific underwater excavations in 1994 on the submerged site of the remains of the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria near Qaitbey fort. In 2014, for the first […]
Undiscovered Shakespeare: Henry VIII
Undiscovered Shakespeare: Henry VIII
Join Santa Cruz Shakespeare, the UCSC Shakespeare Workshop, and The Humanities Institute, as we launch Undiscovered Shakespeare: Henry VIII, the fourth installment of our annual virtual Shakespeare program. Register for all sessions here: About Henry VIII: Early in its first run in 1613, Henry VIII (1613) set the world on fire – if by “world” […]
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PhD+ Workshop – Grants and Fellowships
PhD+ Workshop – Grants and Fellowships
Grants and Fellowships for Scholars in the Humanities Learn how to make your fellowship and grant proposals competitive to a wide range of selection committees. We’ll discuss what does and does not need to be in a research proposal, the proper tone and form, and ways to tease out the larger stakes of individual research […]
Tommy Orange – Wandering Stars
Tommy Orange – Wandering Stars
Bookshop Santa Cruz welcomes award-winning author Tommy Orange for a reading and signing of his new novel, Wandering Stars. The eagerly awaited follow-up to his Pulitzer Prize-finalist breakout bestseller There There—winner of the PEN/Hemingway Award, the John Leonard Prize, the American Book Award, and one of the New York Times's 10 Best Books of 2018—Wandering […]