Research Fellows Program
THI Research Fellowships support faculty and students with all aspects of their scholarly work from generating new ideas to visiting archives to presenting findings in publications and other forums.
We directly fund the work of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students through a range of fellowship opportunities. Faculty receive course releases and stipends that enable them to pursue new projects or publish their work as articles or a book. Students receive yearlong or summer THI fellowships that allow them to engage in intensive research, including traveling for fieldwork and writing chapters of their dissertation.
Alongside our own grants, we help faculty and graduate students apply for extramural funding. Our Research Clusters provide seed funding for projects to become much larger initiatives that receive financial support from the largest foundations in the world. We work with faculty and students one-on-one to develop their projects for competitive national and international grants. We review proposals and our Committee on Graduate Student Grant Writing provides graduate students with timely feedback on their application materials.
When scholars become THI fellows, we help them present their work to academic audiences and the broader public, including as talks at colloquiums and research posters at symposiums. All THI fellows are invited to participate in a profile that is published on our website and in our weekly newsletter.
Through our Research Fellowship program, scholars gain much needed time, funding, and support to pursue and share their groundbreaking scholarship.

See a full list of THI Fellows here and read about their research in our profiles and news stories.
Current opportunities:
Faculty Research Fellowships
Faculty Public Humanities, Digital, and Community-Engaged Research Fellowships
Graduate Summer Dissertation Fellowships
Graduate Summer Research Fellowships
Graduate Hayden V. White Summer Dissertation Fellowship
Graduate Summer Pathways Fellowships
Undergraduate Research Fellowships
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Opportunities in Research (EXPLORE) Fellowships (more information here)
Go to our Faculty Support page, Graduate Support page, and Undergraduate Support page to learn more about the fellowships and resources we provide to scholars at different stages of their research.